Croeso i Flwyddyn 11! Welcome to Year 11!
Amcan Heddiw To get ourselves set up for the Literature course
New Books Name and Tutor Group Subject: English Literature Teacher Name
First Page Gwaith Dosbarth Dyddiad Teitl: Course Overview Amcan: To understand the requirements of the Literature course.
Basic Overview Unit 1 Exam - 2hrs - 35% of GCSE Unit 2 Exam - 2 hrs - 40% of GCSE Unit 3 Controlled Assessment - 25% of GCSE *** Point to remember: marks specifically for SPG.
Detailed Overview Unit 1 Exam [To be sat in January] Prose (different cultures) and poetry (contemporary) Prose: Of Mice and Men Poetry: Unseen poetry comparison
Detailed Overview Unit 2 Exam [To be sat in June] Contemporary Drama: Blood Brothers Literary Heritage Prose: A Christmas Carol [Texts can be accessed online – Project Guttenburg]
Detailed Overview Unit 3 Controlled Assessment [ Completed June-October] Poetry and Drama Theme: the treatment of women Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet Poetry: how men treat/view women
New Page in Your Books Your Title: Controlled Assessment Texts: -Romeo and Juliet -A Woman To Her Lover, Walsh -Song of the Worker’s Wife, Alice Gray Jones -A Married State, Philips
Task Requirements Your Title: Examine how Shakespeare presents the treatment of Juliet during the course of Romeo and Juliet. Examine the way the treatment of women is presented in A Woman to Her Lover and other poems. -One essay discussing Romeo and Juliet and selected poems. -Focus of assignment will be the theme of ‘presentation of women’. -Must consider how the theme is presented in each text.
Being Tested On… -AO1: Analyse texts, using quotes in your answers. -AO2: How language, structure and form are used. -AO3: Make comparisons between texts.
Don’t write this bit! Teaching and Learning Stage: texts can be studied within lessons and in personal study time. Research and Planning Stage: students can work collaboratively but teacher cannot comment. Assessment Period: Have up to 4 hours under exam conditions to write the essay. Can have clean copies of texts and one A4 side of notes, not plans or drafts!!! Should aim for 2,000 words.
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