Supreeya Wongtra-ngan
WHEN??? Formative Summative
Assessment and Course design Stage 1 :Learning outcomes Stage 2 :Devise the assessment tasks Stage 3 :Devise the learning activities
LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge Skill Attitude
HOW??? Essay Assignment Individual project Group project or assignment Dissertation Examination
EXAMINATION seen open-book unseen MCQ MEQ oral OSCE etc
MEASUREMENT Validity Reliability Objectivity Practicality
MEASUREMENT Validity Content Construct Concurrent Predictive
MEASUREMENT Reliability Inter-rater
How can written tests be implemented effectively? 1.Allow examinee to review the questions,model answers and pass standards before marking 2.Allow examinee to submit constructive suggestions and include acceptable ones
How can written tests be implemented effectively? 3. Allow time for staff to debrief students about the accepted marking change 4.Allow students to review their own papers after marking and notification of results
Something interesting…
One big company was hiring new staff, the question of the written exam is:
You are driving a car. On one big storm night. You are passing a station.
There are three people who are waiting for the bus One doctor who saved your life before. One guy/lady who is someone you have been dreaming to get married to. One old lady who is dying.
You can only take one passenger, which one you will choose? Please explain your reason.
Think about it before you read the following :
I am not sure whether it is some kind of personality test, since every answer has its reason. Old lady is going to die, you should save her first, however, old people always end up dying anyway, you should take the doctor, because the doctor saved my life before, this is the perfect chance to pay him back. At the same time, some people believe that you can always pay the doctor back in the future, but you may never be able to find the perfect lover once you pass this chance.
Within the two hundred candidates, the one who has been hired did not explain his answer, he only simply stated that: " Give the car key to the doctor, let the doctor take the old lady to the hospital and I stay to wait for the bus with the lady of my dream!"
Everyone I know think the above answer is the best answer, but there is no one (including myself) can think of this answer first. Is that because we never want to give up any advantage we held in our hands (the car key)? Sometimes, we would gain more if we were able to give up our stubbornness, limitations, and advantage.
Have a very very happy new year