(20 March 43 BC – AD 17/18), known as Ovid in the English-speaking world, was a Roman poet who is best known as the author of the three major collections of poetry,he was the author of several smaller pieces, the RemediaAmoris, the MedicaminaFacieiFemineae, and the long curse-poem Ibis,. His poetry, much imitated during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, greatly influenced Europeanart and literature and remains as one of the most important sources of classical mythology.
Ovid talks more about his own life than most other Roman poets. Information about his biography is drawn primarily from his poetry, especially Tristia 4.10, which gives a long autobiographical account of his life. Other sources include Seneca and Quintilian.
Ovid was born in Sulmo (Sulmona), in an Apennine valley east of Rome, to an important equestrian family, on March 20, 43 BC. That was a significant year in Roman politics.He was educated in Rome in rhetoric under the teachers ArelliusFuscus and PorciusLatro,Ovid was very popular at the time of his early works, but was later exiled by Augustus in AD 8. He married three times by the time he was thirty years old. However, he only had one daughter who eventually bore him grandchildren.
The first 25 years of Ovid's literary career were spent primarily writing poetry,His earliest work is Heroides, letters of mythological heroines to their absent lovers, which was published in 19 BC,the first five-book collection of the Amores was a series of poems addressed to a lover, Corinna, is thought to have been published in 16–15 BC,Ovid's next poem, the MedicaminaFacieiwas a fragmentary work on women's beauty treatments, preceded the ArsAmatoria, the Art of Love, which has been dated to 2 AD.By 8 AD, he had completed his most ambitious work, the Metamorphoses, an epic poem in 15 books.
Heroides ("The Heroines"):The Heroides ("Heroines") or EpistulaeHeroidum are a collection of 21 poems in elegiac couplets take the form of letters addressed by famous mythological characters to their partners expressing their emotions at being separated from them.
The Amores is a collection in three books of love poetry, following the conventions of the elegiac genre developed by Tibullus and Propertius.. The books describe the many aspects of love and focus on the poet's relationship with a mistress called Corinna,the otherpoems are several which describe events in the relationship.
The Ars Amatoria is a didactic elegiac poem in three books which sets out to teach the arts of seduction and love. The first book is addressed to men and teaches them how to seduce women, the second, also to men, teaches one
This short poem in 91 elegiac couplets is a monologue spoken by a walnut tree asking that boys not pelt her with stones to get her fruit.
Ovid died at Tomis in AD 17. He was allegedly buried a few kilometers away in a nearby town.