MARCO POLO He was born in Venice, Italy in His father, Nicolo, and his uncle, Maffeo, were merchants. Marco was a nature lover. They returned to China on another trip with Marco polo The culture in China fascinated Marco polo. It was in this world of wonders that Marco polo lived for many years. He even worked for the khan. His stories were written down and made into a book.
Christother AColombus He was born in Genoa, Italy on Colombus was very interested in exploring He thought he could go to Asiagoing east acrros the world He died on Valladolid on 1506
Wilbur and Orville Wright They had to do that one thing fell down and then they fly. They do the first plane of all the world Wilbur,Bornin 1867-died in 1912.Orville,Born in Diedin1948.Wilbur was born on a small farm in India and Orville in a city of Dayton, Ohhio.
Jacques Cousteau 1910 He was born in Saint André-de-Cubzac, France He bought the boat Calypso 1997 Died on june 25. He joined the French armed forces, fighting in the Navy for the World War 2 He made 120 documents and the most Important was The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau.