Italian sailor sailed for Spain in 1499 and 1502 America was named after him Discovered that the “America’s” were not Asia He was a master navigator Charted new routes to the “America” Succeded overall
Puerto Rican sailor sailed for Puerto Rico in 1513 Sailed to find the fountain of youth. He discovered the Gulf Stream First European to set foot in Florida Founded St. Augustine, Florida Didn’t find the Fountain of youth
Hispanic sailor Sailed for Hispaniola in 1511 Sailed to find gold and silver Conquered the Aztec empire Founded new Spain found gold and silver
Spanish sailor Sailed for Spain in 1513 Sailed to find gold and pearls discovered the Pacific ocean did not succeed in finding gold and pearls
Dutch sailor Sailed for Deutschland in 1539 and 1542 Sailed to find gold and riches First European to see the Mississippi river Didn’t succeed
Spanish sailor Sailed for Spain in spring 1540 He sailed to find the seven cities of gold He explored the sarderned of the U.S.A He did not succeed
Dutch sailor Sailed for Deutschland IN 1607 and 1610 He sailed to find a water way to Asia from Europe His crew members left him in the Hudson bay He did not succeed
Spanish sailor Sailed for Spain in 1506 and 1510 Sailed to find a new route to the Indies His crew were the first humans to sail around the world Ferinand did not make it all the way Ferinand passed away He did not succeed