Navy Safe Harbor and Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment (WWR)
2 Mission Statement: Safe Harbor is the Navy’s focal point for the non-medical case management of wounded, ill and injured Sailors and their family members. Providing a lifetime of care, we support and assist Sailors through recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration. SAFE HARBOR SAFE HARBOR Guiding Principle: Numquam Navigare Solus – Never to Sail Alone We are the Navy...taking care of our Sailors!
3 SAFE HARBOR SAFE HARBOR Program Constructs Tracking and oversight of all wounded, ill or injured (WII) Sailors Non-medical case management for all severely wounded, ill, or injured (SWII) Sailors and their families, and on an as needed basis, for any high risk non-severely wounded, ill, or injured Static WII Population averages 5,500 to 6,000. Case Managed Population projected at 250 SWII and 100 non-SWII Sailors annually Frequency of contact as needed but a minimum of once per month Sailors enrolled for “Life” Clearly identified interfaces with Federal Recovery Coordinators, Services’ WII Programs, and other Gov/Non-Gov Organizations Case Managers assigned to all Major Navy Military Treatment Facilities, BAMC, and VA Polytrauma Hospitals 24/7 access to Case Managers via Toll Free Number and Website No Sailor Left Behind
4 SAFE HARBOR SAFE HARBOR Non-Clinical Case Management Services Sample of the Services ProvidedProviders Navy Service Members are provided these services by many existing programs depending on specific situations and needs. In most cases, Service Members willnot require services beyond medical care coordination and pay/personnel support. However, in the event of case complications or specific needs, tailored non-medical case management support will be made available to the member and thefamily. Pay & PersonnelPersonnel Support Detachment, Retired Military, VA, SSA Invitational Travel OrdersPers 62 Housing & LodgingCNIC Child & Youth ProgramsCNIC Recreation & LeisureCNIC Transportation NeedsInvitational Travel Orders – Pers 62/NGO/Yellow Ribbon Fund Legal & Guardianship IssuesNavy Legal Education and Training BenefitsVeteran’s Administration Commissary & Exchange AccessLocal Command CO’s authority Respite CarePublic Law HR 3248 Lifespan Respite Care of 2006 TBI/PTSD ServicesNNMC, Polytrauma Cetners, BUMED Other Concierge service (with a kick)
5 BETHESDA / WRAMC (2) BAMC (2) SAN DIEGO (2) AT-LARGE WEST (1) TAMPA (1) SOCOM (1) PALO ALTO (1) JACKSONVILLE (1) PORTSMOUTH/RICHMOND (2) AT-LARGE EAST (1) MILLINGTON TN (1) WASHINGTON DC HDQTRS STAFF (13) BREMERTON (1) GREAT LAKES / MINNEAPOLIS (1) VA POLY TRAUMA CENTER MILITARY TREATMENT FACILITY SAFE HARBOR HEADQUARTERS STAFF NAVY OPERATONAL SUPPORT CENTER* NEW ENGLAND (1) SAFE HARBOR Location of Non-medical Case Managers Locations in Red – future fill * Future locations for the “Anchor Program,” a Reserve Component – Retiree Council – Safe Harbor partnership of volunteer mentors providing lifelong contact with WII Sailors and families
6 QUESTIONS? “We are Sailors caring for Sailors” Contact us:
8 Mission Statement Provide and facilitate assistance to wounded/injured/ill Marines, Sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their family members, throughout the phases of recovery.
10 Guam Hawaii Okinawa Landstuhl Single Command with Strategic Reach Camp Lejeune Camp Pendleton Quantico WWR services the Total Force – Active Duty / Reserve / Retired / Former Marines Level of Effort Current (Mil / Civ): 212 Contractor Support: 24 Future Total: 361 WW Regiment WW Battalions Patient Affairs Team (PAT)/VA Liaisons District Injured Support Cells (DISC) WW Company 120 Hometown Links (not shown) *
11 The Way Ahead Propose legislative initiatives for WII Develop metrics for “deck-plate” feedback Implement MCWIITS Case Management Module Establish Future Operations Cell (FOPS) WWR / Family Service Center Coordination Develop Individual Recovery Transition Plan –Recovery and rehabilitation health care –Education and job placement –Life skills (personal financial management / stress management / mentoring / community involvement)
12 Questions/Feedback