Unit 2 Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Pages 120-125 A Changing World Unit 2 Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Pages 120-125
Objectives Describe the aims, obstacles, and accomplishments of early explorers. Trace the routes of the explorers and identify the areas they claim.
Review from Lesson 1 Gutenberg spreads ideas by his invention of the Printing Press Europe wants silk & spices from Asia Prince Henry from Portugal created new technology: better navigation tools, mapmakers school, and new ships – caraval Marco Polo wrote a book about Asia (known as the Indies to Europe)
Review Cont. Europe, Asia, and Africa were thought to be the only continents Leif Erikson – Viking from Norway went to North America in A.D. 1000 Christopher Columbus wanted to go to Asia by sailing WEST Spain funded Columbus’ exploration
Review Vocab: Entrepreneurs – person who sets up and runs a business Cost – effort made to achieve or gain something Benefit – reward gained Reconquista – movement to make Spain all Catholic Empire – lands ruled by the nation that won control of them Expedition – trip taken with the goal of exploration Navigation – science of planning and following a trade route.
Two Worlds Meet 1492 – Columbus sets sail Anchored off San Salvador Columbus claimed the land for Spain He thought he had reached India – why he called the Taino people Indians. Taino people welcomed Columbus He took back gold, animals, plants, and captured Taino
Columbus Returns Treated like heroes King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella saw the goods and paid for another expedition New mission: Find more riches, start settlements, and convert people to the Catholic religion. Columbus goes on 3 more expeditions
What group of Europeans reached North America about 500 years before Columbus? The Vikings
What does technology mean? Scientific knowledge and tools.
Which European nation sponsored Columbus’s expedition across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492? Spain
What was the main reason Columbus sailed west from Europe? To find a more direct water route to Asia
What were three problems early European explorers faced that Prince Henry helped solve? Poor maps Need for better technology Better ships Also, needed money to pay for expeditions
What was Christopher Columbus’s belief about the lands he reached in 1492? He thought he had reached India.
Why did Columbus have to wait until after the Reconquista to start his voyage? Columbus need money from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to pay for his voyage. During the Reconquista, Spain had no extra money to spend on exploration because they were fighting to get Muslims out of their country.
Lesson 2 A Changing World
England Explores Columbus returned 3 times to the new world He always thought he had reached the Indies He never found riches, but he proved it was possible to sail across the Atlantic Several European rulers are inspired to explore
John Cabot An Italian Sailor King Henry VII of England paid for his expedition hoping to compete for land and wealth May 1497 set sail Sails farther north than Columbus had June 24 he goes ashore claiming the land for England Cabot also believed he had reached the Indies Today it is believed he landed in Newfoundland (Canada)
What was the aim of King Henry VII when he paid for Cabot’s expedition? To help England compete for land and wealth.
Amerigo Vespucci Italian Did not believe Columbus and Cabot landed in India Set sail 1499 – landed just south of Columbus’ landing Was always looking for signs that he had reached Asia
Vespucci’s New Idea Realized he, Columbus, and Cabot had found lands not yet known to Europeans. Nothing he saw matched Marco Polo’s description 1507 – Waldseemuller, German mapmaker, published a world map that included these lands He named the lands America (these are the lands known today as South America)
Vasco Nunez de Balboa Spanish explorer One of first to Settle in Americas Had a farm on the island of Hispaniola Became in debt and escaped to Columbia Met up with survivors from a failed Spanish settlement He helped them take land from Native American’s and started a settlement in today’s Panama.
Balboa travels west He continues to hear of a vast ocean west 1513, he goes west across the Isthmus of Panama which connects North and South America Isthumus – a narrow strip of land that connects two large land areas Balboa reaches the Pacific Ocean, proving Vespucci’s idea of an unknown land
Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese explorer 1519 – leaves Spain with 5 ships, 250 sailors Sails around the southern tip of South America into the vast ocean Balboa had seen and named it the Pacific (means – peaceful)
Magellan’s long voyage Thought he could cross the Pacific in a few days It took 3 months Magellan was killed in a battle in the Philippine Islands One ship returned to Spain in 1522 They were the first to sail around the world
Land Disputes Many explorations took place and several countries began claiming the same land Portugal & Spain asked Catholic Church leaders to settle a disputed land case A line was drawn on a map through the Atlantic Ocean Portugal promised land east of the line Spain promised land to the west
Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 – signed the Treaty of Tordesillas Treaty – an agreement between countries The treaty moved the dividing line farther west Portugal given the land that would become Brazil
Who figured out Earth was larger than people thought? Amerigo Vespucci
Who led the first European expedition to reach the Pacific Ocean? Balboa
Who set the goal to sail around the world? Magellan
Helped start a settlement in what is today Panama? Balboa
A German mapmaker named a continent after this explorer? Vespucci
It took this explorer more than 3 months to cross the Pacific Ocean? Magellan
The Kind of England sent this explorer to what was thought to be the Indies to compete for land and wealth? Cabot
Explored the land htat connects the Americas and became the first Spanish explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean? Balboa
The End