By: Emily Baker-King
Photographed by Alfred Eisenstaedt on August 14, The photograph was published a week later in Life magazine among many photographs of celebrations around the country that were presented in a twelve-page section called Victory. The photo was take right after World War Two. The photograph is known under various titles, such as V-J Day in Times Square, V- Day, and The Kiss. Because Eisenstaedt was photographing rapidly changing events during the celebrations he did not have an opportunity to get the names and details. The photograph does not clearly show the faces of either person involved in this embrace and several people have claimed to be the subjects. The photograph was shot just south of 45th Street looking north from a location where Broadway and Seventh Avenue converge.
I saw lots of people walking around Times Square, and I also saw the very large buildings with billboards on them in the background. The sailor kissing a nurse is what stood out to me.
The purpose of this image is to show that after the war was over people all over were celebrating. One was a sailor celebrated was by walking around Times Square and kissing every woman in his sight.
The image conveys an happy or rejoiceful message. It makes you happy also because you see that the people who fought in the war are finally home.
The audience of this photo is the American people. It was published on the cover of Life magazine, and in The New York Times. This means that many people saw it.
I think the man kissing the woman is a symbol. It stands for the American troops coming home from World War Two.
Yes I think it would. If you had a wider view you would be looking more at the other people and the buildings instead of the sailor kissing the woman.
I think you do get a different message from this picture because you just see the sailor and the nurse instead of seeing other people too.
I think it would have a different meaning because we wouldn’t think of the time period it was in. I think that the black and white makes the picture unique and timeless.
This is a heartwarming picture, and ethically most people will say it makes them feel like the war has finally ended. It will most likely change peoples perspectives of sailors and nurses.
The viewer of this image feels almost chipper because all of the brave men that fought in World War Two are finally home, and they are rejoicing to be away from the warzone.
Emotionally people are going to be happy about this image because of the many soldiers they can see walking the streets, and because this is a picture that is “kissing the war goodbye”.
"Famous Photographs - Careers in Media & Journalism | LearnHub." Careers in Media & Journalism - Get Free Online Career Counselling from an Expert | LearnHub. Web. 09 Oct "VJ-DAY, TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK, AUGUST 14, 1945." Monroe Gallery of Photography. Web. 09 Oct "V-J Day in Times Square." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 09 Oct "Alfred Eisenstaedt." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 09 Oct