Richard Dzionara-Norsen Jeffery Flowerday Jonathan Nguyen Kassandra Schlott
Richard Dzionara-Norsen - ME, Customer Contact Jeffery Flowerday – ME - Scribe Jonathan Nguyen – ME – EDGE Master Kassandra Schlott - ISE, Group Leader
Project Description Current State Desired State Stakeholders Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements Project Schedule
Two previous revision of the Skipper’s Chair have been designed for disabled individuals to maneuver the Sonar Sailboat under recreational and competitive use. This design easily allows one person to perform the necessary tasks typically allocated for multiple people.
Seat is adjustable for 90% of populace Fits in a regulation sonar boat Has quick release tiller Ready for competition and daily use Requires minimal effort from the user
System weight is too heavy Installation time is long Too many custom machined parts Did not meet boom height requirement Complicated installation ◦ Needed own tool box
Minimal customized parts Minimal assembly, installment, and adjustment time Must have simplified instructions for volunteers
Minimal weight without reducing comfort/safety Materials must be impervious to environmental effects/wear Maximize Factor of Safety
Minimize cost of system Reduce assembly time ◦ Build time = 30 minutes Assembly time = 15 minutes Adjustment time = 30 minutes Maintain safety and personal adjustment capabilities
Caitlyn Connolly (Piers Park Sailing) Richard Ramos Jr. (Aspiring Paralympic Sailor) Keith Burhams (Expert Sailor)
Multidisciplinary Senior Design (MSD) Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Quadriplegic Sailing Community Adaptive Sailing Volunteers
User friendly ◦ Simplified work instructions ◦ Requires minimal effort from user Ease of install ◦ Reduced weight ◦ Time ◦ Reduce number of pieces Must be portable
Seat adjustable to boom height Materials ◦ Corrosion resistance ◦ Lightweight Durability
Engineering Requirements0 Secure to sonar with non-permanent attachments Seat adjustable to boom height Hand crank adjustments (aft/bow) Corrosion resistance Multiple seat position on rail Minimum FOS of critical elements Steps required to release rudder in emergency Full Sonar Capability Time required to attach or detach hands Full Assembly Time Time to adjust system to new user Reduce number of custom parts Reduce machining hours Reduce sub-assembly build time Allow room for cushion in seat Reliability Hand Crank Gearing Weight reduction Grab Handle at top of seat Have enough room for rest of crew User Manual Customer Requirements Portable chair system for Sonar X Seat adjusts in realation to boom Lower total cost X X Ease of assembly and adjustment XXX Eliminate line cross-over - reliability X X Increased durability X Weight reduced X Mechanical Advantage X Reduce installation time X Seat position along rail must be easily adjustable X Ease of Use X Team member ease of use X XX X XXX
Phase Allocation Time Allocated (Days) Problem Definition14 *Interview with Caitlyn Connolly System Design70 *Divide custom parts (13032) list by redesign type -minimize parts -transfer to buy parts -components to fix Detailed Design35 Complete Design14 *Final design customer check-in1 Complete Design Review (incl. systems integration)5