Talk with an Astronaut Day 2
Concept Talk What is life like for an astronaut?
When have you watched a launch? Why is it necessary for some space missions to be manned? What happens inside a command module? How do you think a lunar module helps in performing tasks?
Endeavor- to try hard to do or achieve something We endeavor to score well on the test. Propulsion- the action of driving or pushing forward The propulsion rockets shot the capsule into space. Teach your partner these words
WordRoot: Meaning of Root Suffix: Meaning of Suffix Word Definition GravityGrav: heavy-ity: state ofState of being heavy AstronautAstro: star-naut: sailorA sailor of stars EquipmentEquip: to supply -ment: product or thing Product or thing that supplies something
Idioms In “Apollo 13”, Joe Kerwin said, We’re bored to tears down here. I know that phrase is an idiom, as it does not literally mean that the people in the selection were crying.
That there team is good. Sit in them seats. (Y/N) Sit in those seats. (Y/N) Don’t use them in place of these or those.
Accomplishments- things done with skill He counted the flight among his accomplishments. Focus- main point of interest Becoming an astronaut was his main focus. Teach your partner these words.
Gravity-a force that attracts objects toward the center of the Earth There is no gravity on the moon. Monitors- television sets The family watched the launch from the monitors. Teach your partner these words.
Role- part in a play or movie She accepted a role in the cowboy movie. Specific-exact Frank has a specific skill that was needed on the flight. Teach your partner these words.
Biology- the study of living things Astronauts bring back evidence from the moon to help us understand the biology of the moon. Teach your partner this word
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