October Do Nows English 2, 2013. 10/1 Do Now  Pg. 36  According to an article in Forbes Magazine these are some unusual jobs that pay surprisingly well.


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Presentation transcript:

October Do Nows English 2, 2013

10/1 Do Now  Pg. 36  According to an article in Forbes Magazine these are some unusual jobs that pay surprisingly well if you’re willing to work hard, have determination, and a little business savvy. Each bullet point lists the job and the average yearly income.  Embalmer ($43,680 a year)  Hot-Dog vendor ($30,000 -$100,000)  Personal Shopper ($25,000 – $100,000+)  Funeral Services Manager ($79,000)  Ice Cream Taster (food scientist) ($56,000)  Genetic Counselor ($55,820)  Live Mannequin/Human Statue (up to 100$ and hour)  Cruise Ship entertainer ($3,000 to $4,500 a month plus room and board) What do you think of this list? What’s surprising? What didn’t surprise you? Did you know these were real jobs?

10/3 Do Now  Pg. 38  What part of the memo assignment are you struggling with the most? What is you plan for how to deal with this issue? Have you asked for clarification or help?

10/4 Do Now  Pg. 38  Open journaling (school appropriate).

10/7 Do Now  Pg. 40  Do you like scary stories? Why or why not? What story really frightened you as a child and why?

10/8 Do Now  Pg. 40  These are then ten most common phobias (fears) 1.Spiders 2.Snakes 3.Heights 4.Situations where escape is difficult 5.Dogs 6.Thunder and lightening 7.Fear of injections 8.Fear of social situations 9.Fear of flying 10.Fear of germs and dirt.  Which one bothers you the most and why? If you have more than one write about both.

10/10 Do Now  Pg. 42  Look back to the color chart on your “Mask of the Red Death” packet. From that list, which color do you prefer? Does the meaning of the color fit your personality in any way? Explain… Does knowing the meaning (or thinking about it) mean anything to you? Explain…

10/11 Do Now  Pg. 42  Open journaling (school appropriate).

10/15 Do Now  Pg. 44  What is your favorite fairytale? Why?

10/17 Do Now  Pg. 44  The word fairytale refers to a type of story, but over time the word has taken on new and different meanings. What else does it mean? What is the emotional connotation behind the word?

10/18 Do Now  Pg. 46  Open Journaling (school appropriate).

10/21 Do Now  Pg. 46  One of the other types of folklore is called “weatherlore”. What do you think these stories could be about? Explain your reasoning fully.  “rain before seven, clear by eleven”  The seagulls always fly inland when there is a storm on the coast.  “red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky at morning, sailor’s take warning.”  A ring around the moon is a sign of trouble to come or a weather change about to happen.

10/22 Do Now  Pg. 48  Listen to the song “Here’s the Tender Coming” by a singing group called The Unthanks. Lyrics are provided.  What do you think of it? Describe the emotions in the music.

10/24 Do Now  Pg. 54  Open Journaling (School appropriate)

10/25 Do Now  pg. 54  Do you think your personality was genetically determined? Explain… How is your personality like one or both of your parents? How much of that do you think is genetic or how they are raising you?

10/28 Do Now  Pg. 56  Using your senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing) describe your shoes.  Helpful questions that will help you write a strong paragraph description. What do they look like? How do they feel on your feet? Can you feel the floor through your soles? Do they smell? What are they made of and how does that material feel? What do they sound like on certain types of flooring? Why are you wearing them?

10/29 Do Now  Pg. 60  We know that we are shaped by both our genes (nature) and how we are raised (nurture); it isn’t an issue of one or the other. How do we teach a child to grow up to be a “good person”? How has you’re childhood influenced who you are today?

Do Now  Pg. 60  If you could know what diseases you might get someday would you want to know? Why or why not?