Looking Deeper at Eastern and Western Empires
1. Motivated by curiosity, desire to spread Catholicism and desire to gain new economic opportunities. 2. Motivated by spreading Shiah Islam and Persian culture. 3. Explored due to the support of their rulers Ferdinand and Isabella
1. Zheng He was a major explorer and sailor who traveled the Indian Ocean showing strength and receive tributes from South Eastern Countries. 2. Prince Henry set up his navigation schools and encouraged explores like Diaz and da Gama giving Portugal a chance to control European trade with Asia. 3. Broke away from Spanish influence in 1568 as William of Orange and his forces used guerilla warfare.
1. Were the first Europeans to engage in the slave trade to support their sugar plantations. 2. Inspired inter-continental exchange of diseases, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, beans, livestock, etc… 3. Were Calvinist, built efficient ships, focused on trade and did not try to spread their religion, language or culture.
1. Traders angered Chinese leaders due to the actions of Jesuit missionaries in Macao. 2. Believed that foreign trade did not bring enough benefits to justify the costs. 3. Through the use of Conquistadors like Hernan Cortes destroyed the Aztec and Inca empires.
1. Practiced religious tolerance, did not send missionaries or try to convert colonies, bought Manhattan from Native Americans and solely focused on making money. 2. Was ruled by Queen Elizabeth I and practiced a type of Christianity known as Protestantism. 3. Their empire began to decline due to the inflation resulting from an influx of gold, the decline of industry and the lack of a strong middle class.
1. Under Queen Elizabeth I they enjoyed a cultural revival with writers like William Shakespeare and expansion of influence due to the destruction of the Spanish Armada in Empire did not last long due to their small population, governments did not have the soldiers, sailors, or wealth to support the empire and was annexed by Spain in 1580.
1. Used the strongest Navy in the world to encourage exploration (John Cabot, Sir Francis Drake, Henry Hudson) and the creation of a colonial empire that stretched from India all the way to North America. 2. Made one of their key objectives spreading the Islamic faith throughout their region as they conquered other people.
1. Confucius society had 4 classes of people (Scholars, farmers, Artisans and merchants) where merchants were the lowest because they produced nothing. 2. Maintained an elite army known as the Janissaries comprised of captured Christian slaves captured in word.
1. Under the Shah Abbas’ ( ) rule encouraged manufacturing and foreign trade (fabrics, rugs, silk, etc..) 2. Under the rule of Akbar ( ) improved their tax system, unified the government and increased trade with Europe. 3. Under Suleyman ( ) ruled most of eastern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.
1. Were given a distinct identity when the Shah Esmail forced all people to become part of Shiah Islam. 2. Believed they were the greatest culture and had little to gain from interactions with foreign people.
1. Had imperial expansion limited by the Ottoman empire and Uzbeks. 2. Developed cities larger than European cities and were heavily influenced by Hinduism, Islam and the Sikh faith.