Understanding rhyme and meter! 1 st you must know what the symbols mean!! U = unstressed / = stressed.


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding rhyme and meter!

1 st you must know what the symbols mean!! U = unstressed / = stressed

2nd – Find the pattern  U / = iambic  / U = trochaic  U U / = anapestic  / U U = dactylic  / / U = spondaic

3rd – You need to know that each pattern is a foot! How many feet do you have?  ONE FOOT - monometer  TWO FEET - dimeter  THREE FEET - trimeter  FOUR FEET - tetrameter  FIVE FEET - pentameter

Now all you need to do is put the two together!! Ex. //U //U //U = spondaic trimeter

Now see if you can guess the following……. Use your notes. (You know I’ll try to trick you!)

U/ U/

U// U// U//U//U//

/U /U /U /U /U


To mark a poem for meter… Look at the words and separate them by SYLLABLES! Put your hand in front of your mouth and say the line aloud. When your breath touches your palm, that is a STRESSED syllable

Mark the following lines for meter Shall I compare thee to a summers day Thou art more lovely and more temperate

Try your name! Kristen Stephanie

Don’t put the wrong emphasis on the Wrong syllable

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