Persona Meter/rhythm Image Image pattern Stanza Literary Terms Persona Meter/rhythm Image Image pattern Stanza
Persona The voice or speaker of a poem or other work of literature The persona is NOT the writer as s/he exists in the world. Even when the persona is an aspect of the writer, the speaker of a literary work is a literary fiction The persona will have certain characteristics, which can be determined with reference to the content, tone, and diction of the utterance
Meter and Rhyme In English poetry, the meter is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. When you figure out the meter of a poem, you are “scanning” the lines. Rhyme is the repetition of the sound of the last stressed syllable: late/fate Rhymes can come in the middle of a line, but when we talk about a “rhyme scheme,” we are talking about the ends of lines – or end rhymes.
Image/Imagery/Image Patterns An image is a word that stands for a sensory element – something you can see, hear, taste, smell, or touch Imagery is the collective term for “images” An image pattern is a set of images that share some common element – such as a pattern of comforting images or frightening images or sharp images or smooth images
Stanza A stanza is a group of lines in a poem, usually set off with white space There are numerous standard stanzas: Couplets Quatrains Tercet or triplet Sestet