Vocabulary: Types of Rhymes Creative Writing Benjamin Way 1/28/14
Overview Perfect rhyme Approximate rhyme Eye rhyme Identical rhyme Rich rhyme Consonant rhyme Assonant rhyme
Perfect Rhyme Also known as “full rhyme” & “true rhyme” Perfect rhymes are between words that sound exactly the same except for the first letter. E.g. “Boat,” “moat,” & “goat” Or “Generate” and “venerate”
Approximate Rhyme A.K.A. slant, imperfect, off, half, near, oblique These are words that sound very similar, but not quite the same. E.g. Slant, lance Rind, pint Tire, prayer These should be avoided if possible, but are acceptable if used sparingly.
Eye Rhyme This refers to words that look like they should rhyme, but are pronounced differently. E.g. good, food move, love, dove
Identical Rhyme This is when a word is used to rhyme with itself. E.g. lazy, lazy If you ask me, this isn’t really a rhyme at all, unless the word has two or more meanings: “I looked at the data, what does it mean? Half the class scored below the mean They did so poorly I treated them mean”
Rich Rhyme A word that rhymes with its homonym Words are homonyms if they sound the same but are spelled differently E.g. Flu, flew Guessed, guest
Consonant Rhyme This is when the consonant sounds are the same but the vowel sounds are different. E.g. Limp, lump group, grope
Assonant Rhyme The reverse of consonant rhyme. This is when the vowel sounds match but the consonant sounds don’t. E.g. Dip, trim I want you to avoid assonant and consonant rhyme, but I’m teaching you the word so you know what to avoid.
Review Perfect rhyme Approximate rhyme Eye rhyme Identical rhyme Rich rhyme Consonant rhyme Assonant rhyme