EN DEN DEENO Adapted from Jay Broeker Feb 2010 MMEA convention
Choosing Rhymes What are the different types of songs we know? What do you think a choosing rhyme might be? Let’s say a few choosing rhymes.
En den dee-no Sa-fa la ka teen-o Sa-fa la ka tee ka-to In-ee bin-ee boom
Arranging What is arranging? What might we do to arrange this choosing rhyme? What is the difference between arranging and composing? What about improvising?
Let’s use body percussion (Stomp) En den dee-no (pat) Sa-fa la ka teen-o (pat) (clap) Sa-fa la ka tee ka-to (Stomach) (head) In-ee bin-ee boom
In groups practice using your own body percussion ideas to arrange “En Den Deeno” PERFORMANCE! 2 times with words and without
Ostinato. What does it mean? Boom Bin-ee Boom
Create your own ostinato as a group Perform the rhyme with ostinato accompaniment Did your group’s ostinato work well? Did your “boom’s” line up? What can you do to make the “boom’s” happen at different times?
Final Form!! Create a finished product in your group. You may want to follow this form: Intro Rhyme 1 Interlude Rhyme 2 Coda
Some things to think about Rhyme only? Rhyme + Body Percussion Body Percussion only? Percussion instruments? Tutti or Solo? Antiphonal? What is that!!?? Accompaniment: what length? Pattern? What is yout overall form? En den dee-no Sa-fa la ka teen-o Sa-fa la ka tee ka-to In-ee bin-ee boom
Audience: have one sentence ready that starts “I noticed…..” Final Performance!!!!