Come to (one’s) mind rhyme with all the time look sth. up in the/a/one’s dictionary have ~ in common the same as  different from be meant to.


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Presentation transcript:

come to (one’s) mind rhyme with all the time look sth. up in the/a/one’s dictionary have ~ in common the same as  different from be meant to

1. come to (one’s) mind Just when I was about to give up, his encouraging words came to my mind. (On your own) 假如甚麼也想不出來,就去散散步 吧。 __________________________ ______________________________

2. rhyme with 以下哪一個字和 “hope” 押韻? _______________________________ _______________________________

3. all the time I like to be friends with you. You seem happy all the time. (On your own) 我在找的那封信一直都在我的口袋 裡。 __________________________ ______________________________

4. look sth up in ~ dictionary 你不必不懂的每一個字都查字典的。 說到閱讀,猜是很重要的。 _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

5. have ~ in common I’m glad at least we have one thing in common. Both of us like rock music. 除了長相以外這對雙胞胎沒啥共同 點。 _______________________________ except their appearance.

6. the same as vs. different from They are very different from each other in personality. This sentence is the same as that one in meaning. (On your own) 保持沉默和說「是」是不同的。 _______________________________ _______________________________

7. be meant to This book is meant to entertain readers. (On your own) 考試的意義是用來測量 (measure) 學 生已學到多少了。 _______________________________ _______________________________

1.If nothing has come to your mind, go take a walk. 2.Which of the following words rhymes with “hope?” 3.The letter I was looking for was in my pocket all the time. 4.You don’t have to look up every word that you don’t understand. When it comes to reading, guessing is very important. 5.The twins have nothing in common except their appearance. 6.Remaining/Keeping silent is not the same as saying “yes.” 7.Tests are meant to measure how much students have learned.