Effective Communication Rapport
Introduction People are our greatest resource. Most everything you’ll ever want in life, you’ll need someone else
Creating Rapport Sometimes It takes (more than) two to tango. The benefits of creating and maintaining rapport with other human beings are enormous, so unless you’re a natural, it’s an essential skill to learn and an even more essential skill to have developed as a therapist.
Rapport - Definition A dictionary definition describes it as ‘relation; connection, harmonious or sympathetic relation.’
Rapport - Important What Is It About? Communicating effectively in life to strengthen your connection with people and ensure you are understood.
Ways to Develop a Good Rapport Criticize? Condemn? or complain? Offer honest and sincere appreciation. Become genuinely interested in other people. Smile.
Ways to Develop a Good Rapport Remember that a person’s _______ is to that person the sweetest and most important sound, in any language. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Ways to Develop a Good Rapport Make the other person feel important but do it sincerely. Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Allow the other person to open Remember things that they have shared Validate their feelings, thoughts, ideas
Conclusion By applying a few of these tips each week, you will notice a profound change in your relationships with others.