Welcome to Church of the Assumption, Asokoro, Abuja WEDNESDAY FAITH CLINIC June 9, 2010
Pathways to Authentic Happiness (Part I) By Rev. Fr. George Ehusani
What is Happiness? What is your definition of happiness? What do you perceive happiness to be? How would you describe a state of happiness?
How Happy are you? Is happiness measurable? By what indices? On a scale of 0 – 10, what would you consider to be your level of happiness? (0 = very unhappy; 10 = very happy) If today you are not a very happy person, why? What are the barriers to your happiness? What categories of people do you consider to be very happy people? Why?
Spirituality, Society & Happiness What (if anything), have the following factors got to do with (A) Your MENTAL PERCEPTION OF HAPPINESS (B) Your ACTUAL LEVEL OF HAPPINESS? 1. Your belief system/your faith or religion 2. Your sense of meaning & purpose ( your spirituality) 3. Your socio-cultural environment 4. Your socio-economic circumstances 5. Your work/career circumstances 6. Your marital/family status 7. Your personal integrity
Wealth, Power & Pleasure and Authentic Happiness ● To what extent does the successful acquisition of material wealth result in happiness? ● What is the difference (if any) between pleasure and happiness? ● In what way does the attainment of political power & social influence enhance the happiness of individuals?
What is Happiness? (I) This question has been asked and debated by countless Philosophers, Psychologists & Spiritualists through the ages Today two broad perspectives in the understanding of the reality of happiness have been identified: There is the HEDONIC THEORY and the EUDAIMONIC THEORY
What is Happiness? (II) The HEDONIC THEORY suggests that happiness is entirely about the attainment of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. The more pleasure you have and the less pain you experience the happier you are and the greater your well-being The EUDAIMONIC THEORY focuses on the meaning/purpose of life and therefore defines happiness in terms of self- realisation, viz: the extent to which we are fulfilling our purpose in life
What is Happiness? (III) Those who promote the EUDAIMONIC THEORY include not only philosophers & psychologists, but also religious teachers & spiritualists *ARISTOTLE says true happiness is to be found in the expression of virtue – in doing that which is worth doing. *Eric Fromm says true happiness derives not from momentary pleasures, but from human growth. He attaches greater value to pursuits that are of importance to humanity as a whole, rather than the individual’s pleasure alone.
What is Happiness? (IV) Hedonism – the unmitigated pursuit of pleasure as a route to happiness is an illusion. It leaves the person more frustrated & distressed Far more viable and sustainable is the happiness one gains by making a difference; by putting to use our unique strengths, talents, perspectives in helping others (and ourselves) *Such happiness may not come like physical pleasure in a rush, but it comes with something a lot deeper : It is called “authentic happiness” or contentment
What is Happiness? (V) People have different perceptions of happiness and what brings about happiness. This has to do with each person’s belief systems & value orientations What people perceive as eliciting happiness may be tangible – like a huge amount of money or a big house; or intangible like a high political office, success in career or celebrity status, a etc. However, Webster’s online dictionary defines happiness as “A STATE OF WELL BEING AND CONTENTMENT”
What is Happiness? (VI) FEELING HAPPY is generally understood as involving some of the following positive emotions: Joyful Delightful Hopeful Wonder (ful) Safe - carefree Abundant Healthy – fit Energetic Satisfying Loving – being loved - lovable
What is Happiness? (VII) FEELING UNHAPPY on the other hand is associated with some of the following negative emotions: Pain Fear Sadness Anger Frustration Disappointment Regret Guilt
The reason why there are so many unhappy people in the world is that too many people focus on material gains and have a false belief that money can buy happiness! True happiness comes from living an authentic life fueled with a sense of PURPOSE and BALANCE Therefore if people focused more on the intangible spiritual aspects of our existence, instead of thinking that money, power, pleasure & popularity can buy them happiness, then there would be more happy people living in the world The Paradox of Happiness (I)
So many people go through life pursuing MONEY, PRESTIGE, POWER & PLEASURE in an attempt to find happiness and fill the void they feel inside. Sadly, this approach never works In fact more often than not, this just leads to frustration because they never find what they are looking for _________________ True happiness however comes from living an authentic life (of integrity) in a harmonious way, fueled with a sense of purpose, and balance The Paradox of Happiness (II)
All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don’t discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It is what you do for others! --Danny Thomas I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. --Maya Angelou Jesus said to the Rich Young Man who asked what he could do to inherit eternal life: “ If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. (Matthew 19:16-22) Again Jesus said: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all the rest shall be added unto you as well” (Matthew 6:33) The Paradox of Happiness (III)