Computer Crime and Security Measures Week 5 cont.
Computer Crime uComputers make activities easier u including illegal activities uNew ways to commit old crimes uCrimes against u businesses - insiders and outsiders u hackers, competitors, criminal gangs
Crime uComputers make crimes u easier to commit u more devastating u harder to detect u doable from long distances
New Terms uVirus uWorm uTrojan Horse uTrap Door
Fraud and Embezzlement uEmbezzlement - fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been entrusted uRequires u special knowledge u special programming skill u poor security
Fraud and Embezzlement uAided by u anonymity u complexities of modern transactions increase the opportunities
Defending Against Dishonest Employees uRotate responsibilities of employees with access to sensitive systems uUnique ID and password uLimit access to system uAudit trails uScreening and background checks of employees uGood security policies
Defending Against Fraud uImmediate checks on legitimate credit/debit cards uPrograms to detect unusual spending uHolograms and photos on cards uMagnetic or digital finger printing uPhysical hardware deterrents
Why is the Problem so Big? uMost customers do not want to verify ID uMost merchants don’t check uSecurity vs convenience
Sabotage and Information Theft uUnhappy employees uAttacks by competitors uWho else?
Nonmalicious Hacking uNo harm is done uService - exposes security weaknesses uHelp create need for tougher security uInformation wants to be free uSome companies are ripping us off
Harmless? uTime and effort are involved in tracking down the intruder and shut off means of access uVerifications of no damage uUncertainty that system is preserved uTrespassing is illegal
Mechanisms of Protection uPassword protection
Internet uMedium for researchers u open access u ease of use u ease of sharing uSecurity depended on trust uAttitudes about security have not caught up with the risk
Improving Security uAwareness of extent of problem uEducation of users uAcceptance of responsibility
Internet Protection uFirewall
Crime Laws uComputer technology challenged existing laws and led to new ones uLarceny uUse of computer time uNew laws uAccess and use of computer without authorization is illegal