Word Structure
Structure of a Word Prefix----root----suffix Prefix----root----suffix In---comprehens----ible In---comprehens----ible Prefix----root Prefix----root Un----common Un----common Root----suffix Root----suffix Happi----ness Happi----ness
Prefixes May be added to the beginning of a root word May be added to the beginning of a root word Adds meaning to the root word Adds meaning to the root word Unhappy=NOT happy Unhappy=NOT happy
Negative Prefixes All negative prefixes mean “NO” or “NOT”, or reverse the meaning of the root word. All negative prefixes mean “NO” or “NOT”, or reverse the meaning of the root word.
Negative Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample unnotunhappy disnotdisappear innotindefinite Im (m,o,p) not immortal Ir (r) not irresponsible Il (l) not illegal nonnotNon-toxic misnotmisspell
Number Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample Hemi1/2hemisphere semi1/2Semi-circle mono1monologue uni1unison Meth (science) 1methane
Number Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample di2diploid du2duplex bi2bicycle Eth (science)2ethane Pro (science)3propane tri3triangle
Number Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample tetra4tetragon quar4 Quart, quarter quad4quadrilateral But (science) 4butane pent5pentane
Number Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample hex6hexagon sept7septennial hept7heptathlon oct8octave nov9November Non (science) 9Nonagon
Number Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample dec10decade cent100century mill1000millennium kilo1000kilogram polymanypolytheism multimanymultipurpose
Time and Place Prefixes 1 PrefixMeaningExample postafterPost-prom transacrosstranscontinental diaacrossdiagonal subundersubmarine antiagainstAnti-war contraagainstcontradict prebeforePre-game circumaroundcircumference
Time and Place 1 PrefixMeaningExample interbetweeninterstate intrawithinintramurals inintoinspect eoutemit exoutexit
Time and Place 2 PrefixMeaningExample adtowardadvance attowardattach agtowardaggressive
PrefixMeaningExample abaway Abstain, absent dis Away, off dismount DeSe Depart, detour Separate
Time and Place 2 PrefixMeaningExample para Beside, similar paraphrase retrobackretroactive reBackagainReturnredo cotogethercooperate ComcontogetherCompanyconnect
Time and Place 2 PrefixMeaningExample Sym, syn togethersymphony same Synonym, symmetry
Intensifying Prefixes PrefixMeaningExample super Above, beyond supervisor hyper hyperactive ultra Ultra light hypo Below normal hypothermia homosamehomogenous heterodifferentheterogeneous benegoodbenefit malbadmalnutrition
Questions to Ponder How old is a superannuated person? How old is a superannuated person? What does “homogenized” milk look like? What does “homogenized” milk look like? How does an malcontent act? How does an malcontent act? If your name is Sam, and your friend’s name is homonymous, what is his name? If your name is Sam, and your friend’s name is homonymous, what is his name? Describe a shirt that is heterochromatic. Describe a shirt that is heterochromatic. What is hypothermia? What is hypothermia?
Prefixes with More Than One Meaning (Summary) PrefixMeaningExample inIntonotInhaleincorrect disNot Off, away Disagreedismount Sym, syn TogethersameSymphonysynonym pro Three (science) Forward Before in time/position PropaneProcedurePro-golfer