Chapter 17 Isaac Kunselman
Demographics Europeans give natives – Smallpox, Plague, Influenza, Typhus Kill 50% N. American Population French Travel North, Spain travels south to Incan, Maya, and Aztecs. N. A. Introduce Euros to Syphilis? Europeans use disease to kill without war.
Crops and Livestock. Europe + Asia to New World wheat, olives, grapes, rice, banana, coconut, sugar, garden f+v., livestock, horses. Native Americans to Europe + Asia Maize, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, chilies, chocolate, dyes.
Spanish Set up Counsel of Indies (260hr round trip from Spain to new world, slow communication) Viceroys exercise power in the colonies because of lack of control from Spain. Set up 2 main colonies – Viceroy of Spain, Mexico City – Viceroy of Peru, Lima Spanish born leader only at first, when that fails American born leaders may rule.
Portugal 1500’s focus of Africa and Asia because that’s where $ comes from Poor experimental gov. in colonies, gov. is established in =- Salvador 1720’s Portugal gets serious and makes the Viceroy of Brazil.
Both Set up a government run like and mostly by their mothering countries, makes it slow, high taxes, and unhappy people. CATHLOC CHURCHES spread culture, ideas, language(became learning institution for N.A.) Conquer natives to “Spread Christianity” Church treats N.A. fair until fail at converting them, gives up on trying to protect them Church has power in colonies.
Econ. Sugar plantations and Mineral mining give colonists $. Silver mining is huge! – Hurts environment – Enslaves N.A. – Mercury pollution to refineSPAIN – Burn forests Focus on Sugar not mining, enslave N.A. Slavery becomes huge business.PORTUGESE Other countries become jealous of $ being made!
Society NO real upper class come, so Artisans, Lawyers, Merchants, and middle class dominate N. Americans make up lots of colonial population. N. A. do not like new way of life and that settlers don’t respect their culture. They also don’t like – Being heavily taxed, loss of land, abuse, inslavement, Rasism is bad against African Americans, even who are not slaves just because they were different. Many enslaved N. A.s and African Americans tried to escape and were killed, only 1% of slavey bought their own freedom.
English colonies 1600’s many failed attempts to set up a colony due to bad funding and support. Take Ireland and learn the methods of colonization, – Kill, Take land, Sell to rich, boom! Jamestown- Virginia Company. Horrible location, poor govnt, ect… 80 % population die in 15 years! 1624-Crown takes colony away from V.C, move to new cite. Tobacco huge, along with fur and leather. Indentured servitude big, 80% population gets here that way!
English Continued Create house of Burgesses to govern.( town appt. officials work together as one, huge step toward democracy!) Colonists spread out to trade with Indians, mostly south. – Continue taking land and slaves from them.
New England Pilgrims- Religion, unhappy with church + Puritans- Religion, purify followers Poor soil means no plants, becomes big in shipping and commercial trading. Population rises until 1740s because of disease and N.A. attacks Few if any slaves!
Mid Atlantic Poor managed finances and organization like many other early English colonies. BUT…. Location by the Hudson River Kept them alive and huge in shipping and commercial trading. Also no slaves!
French America Settle to “Spread Christianity” Focus on trading and furs for $. – Small trade posts instead of colonies for 50 years until Quebec, but they waited too long…. – Became pals with Algonquin, get caught in battles with Iroquois. – Church set up instructions, but fail due to disease killing off all N.A. who come so they focus instead on hospitals and schools. – Failure to grow, give up land to England and Spain.
King Philip King Philip takes over, better Navy, More trading posts, intercontinental trade improves. Collonies get better! Except.. High tax and Monopolies make people mad…