Powered by WELLINGTON HOUSE PRACTICE Patient Survey 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015
Powered by Date Created: Monday, March 02, Total Responses Complete Responses: 269
Powered by Q1: ABOUT YOU:Are you (select one) Answered: 321 Skipped: 10
Powered by Q2: Which age group are you in? Answered: 324 Skipped: 7
Powered by Q3: How often do you come to the practice? (tick one) Answered: 325 Skipped: 6
Powered by Q4: Which surgery do you normally attend? Answered: 327 Skipped: 4
Powered by Q6: Were you already aware of how the new appointment system works? Answered: 277 Skipped: 54
Powered by Q7: There is a patient leaflet that describes how the appointment system works so patients understand and are better able to use the system. Were you aware of the new leaflet we produced? Answered: 275 Skipped: 56
Powered by Q8: The leaflet is available on the website at or in the practice. If you have time to read it, can you please give us feedback on whether you find it provides a clear explanation of the appointment system. Answered: 256 Skipped: 75
Powered by Q9: On a scale of how happy are you with the appointment system? 1 = Very Happy 4 = Very Unhappy (please tick one) Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count 1. Very happy 31.9% Happy 57.7% Unhappy 7.2% Very unhappy 3.1% 6 answered question 194
Powered by Q10: When making a decision about the type and timing of any appointment required, the telephone assessment should be a joint decision between the GP and you, the patient. When you have had a GP telephone assessment did you feel this was the case? Answered: 264 Skipped: 67
Powered by Q11: When you ask for an appointment and the GP calls you back, this is supposed to be within an hour. If you have requested an appointment within the last three months, then, for the latest request, was the call-back within an hour? Answered: 256 Skipped: 75
Powered by Q13: Were you aware that this is the system we use for communicating test results? Answered: 268 Skipped: 63
Powered by Q14: The clinical software supplier that we use is looking at a system whereby test results can be ed to patients. If this becomes available, is it something that you would be interested in? Answered: 272 Skipped: 59
Powered by Q15: We are currently investigating a system that will enable patients to see their medical records on-line. Would you be interested in this for: Answered: 274 Skipped: 57
Powered by Q16: If you have a long term condition, do you feel you are involved in your own healthcare and its management? Answered: 262 Skipped: 69
Powered by Q17: Is this something that you feel would be beneficial and that you are keen to do? Answered: 201 Skipped: 130
Powered by Q18: When you last saw a GP or nurse, please tell us about the quality of the care you received. Was the length of appointment satisfactory? Answered: 272 Skipped: 59
Powered by Q19: How well did the GP/Nurse listen to your concerns and worries? Answered: 272 Skipped: 59
Powered by Q20: How patient was the GP/Nurse in answering your questions? Answered: 270 Skipped: 61
Powered by Q21: How involved did you feel in the decision-making about your care? Answered: 271 Skipped: 60