1950’s 1) Define the suburbs and baby boom and explain how both of these are a result of the post-war economic boom 2) Explain the role of men and women in the 1950’s. (make sure to define the “Organization Man” and “The Feminine Mystique”) 3) Analyze why many Americans were not satisfied in the 1950’s even though many Americans had achieved the American dream of financial security.
American Dream in the 1950’s *After WWII soldiers returned and looked forward to a secure, comfortable, and fun life after the Depression and WWII
Economy- America’s economy grew after WWII as Americans had saved during the war *Result- Americans had money to spend creating a demand for goods (cars, appliances) creating more jobs that spurs America’s wealth for the next 25 years (affluent society) Why is the US no longer as dominant economically? Think what advantages did the US have that other countries did not in the 1950’s? (Think- Why the US and not China, Germany, or Japan?)
GI Bill- provided veterans with loans for college, homes, and unemployment benefits to help look for a job *result- many Americans used this to improve their economic opportunity and buy a home Question- Who were the immigrant groups that Americans discriminated against before WWII? Are those groups still discriminated against? Explain how the GI Bill could have helped these ethnic groups avoid perpetual discrimination?
Suburbs- home built outside of cities that looked alike, were cheap ($8000), and offered the friendliness of small towns Levittown- suburb in New York ($5000 for house, Pre-Fabricated housing- made off site (assembly line) and assembled at site Analyze why Americans were willing and excited to move into such similar, crowded, and middle class/white communities
Businessman- by 1956 the majority of Americans no longer had blue collar jobs (factory) but white collar jobs (professional, clerical, managerial) Conglomerates- (large company) where many Americans found themselves working (ATT, GE, Xerox, IBM, GM) Franchises- company that offers similar products in many locations (McDonalds) How do you feel stores and restaurants were different before franchises? Explain how franchises are seen in the US today?
Social Conformity- Americans lost their individuality for economic security Workplace- efficient, quiet, clean, impersonal Office Buildings and Suits- where you worked and what you wore *work in teams (loss of independence and individuality) The Organization Man and The Man in the Grey Flannel critic working for large corporations (materialism over quality of life, fitting in to what the company wants over individualism) What is more important to live happily or earn money?
Suburban Lifestyle- Americans worked in cities but lived outside cities (85% of new homes built in suburbs) *single family house, goods schools, safe and healthy environment for children and neighbors Lawndale, Howthorne, and Inglewood were all suburbs in the 1950s. Where are the suburbs today?
Baby Boom- 1946-1964 birth rate in US soars (largest generation in US history is young) Analyze what kinds or impacts (changes) this generation will have on the US based on being the largest population group in the US by almost double
Women’s Role- being a housewife was glorified on TV, movies, and magazines *many women unhappy and felt bored and isolated *women job opportunities limited to less pay than men and to nursing, teaching, and secretarial Feminine Mystique (stated that women were unhappy as housewives, launched women’s rights movement) Why would women feel unhappy with all their wealth and materialistic goods?