Pupil Questionnaire Parent Feedback Monday 18 th June 2012
Me at School yes Not sureNo no 1. I am happy when I am at school I learn a lot in my lessons I am usually interested in what I learn I think this is a good school Teaching at this school is good My teacher tells me how well I am doing45 31
Me at School (2) yes Not sureNo no 7. If I get stuck with my work my teacher will help me I can talk to my teacher if I am unhappy I can talk to someone somebody else if I am unhappy I like lessons when I can work with my friends My teacher tries to get me to work as well as I can I am happy during playtimes My teacher is interested in my views 31 33
How Hard do I Work? yes Not sureNo no 1. I work as hard as I can in lessons I get good marks The work I get is just right My work helps me to learn more The school helps me do as well as I can I like the way we help to plan our work I like learning outdoors I prefer the laptops to the ICT suite77 12
Behaviour yes Not sureNo no 1. Behaviour is good in St. Robert’s has sensible rules I usually behave well Have you been bullied at school this year? If you have been bullied, did you tell someone? The school deals with bullying well If someone is naughty, a teacher will help I am treated fairly at school39 23
Leisure Time yes Not sureNo no 1. I read at every day39 2. I watch TV / DVD / videos a lot41 3. I have a computer at home83 4. I play computer games a lot31 5. I like to play out when I can82
My Parents yes Not sureNo no 1. My parents want me to learn a lot at school95 2. My parents help me with my work61 3. My parents encourage me at school72
Where do you feel safest in school? Classroom Playground Everywhere Toilet Library
What do you particularly like about school? Lessons Playtime/ Playground Friends Teachers/ Lunch Clubs
Write about the lessons that you like the best. Lego and phonics “Dinosaurs, volcanoes, phonics, God” rec g “I love Art” y5b “I like history: I like finding out things that have happened in the past” y5b
What could be done to make the playground better? More equipment Nothing More football equipment More shade More benches
If there is anything you would change about the school, write it here… Nothing Air conditioning Downstairs toilets More playtime
If there is anything you would change about the school, write it here… “Start school 6.30am” y3b “More boy teachers” y4b Do what we want, get sweets” y4b “School 24/7” y4b “Mrs Smith’s class windows – we are MELTING” y4g “I just love it” y4g “Ski hill with fake snow” y4g “I love the school and I don’t want anything to change” y4g
“I think it is perfect the way it is” y5b “More playtime, more reading, more science, more food” y5b “I would change nothing, school is perfect” y5g
Parent Questionnaire 2011 My child likes school X My child is making good progress in school X Behaviour in the school is good X My child gets the right amount of homework X I am kept well informed about progress X I feel approaching the school X The school expects my child to work hard X
The school works closely with parents X The school is helping to make my child become mature X The school provides an interesting range of activities outside lessons X
Changes - immediate None Competitive Sports Clubs Home school diary Trips
Changes – Long term None Communication/ calendar Curriculum Traffic
How could communication be improved None newsletter More notice for events Text service Meet teachers Child progress website
How could reports be improved None Assessment information More concise
How could parent meetings be improved None Time Change times