Farzaneh Kadanji Marjan Bagheri
TThough the dutch were only a passing political presence in america theier linguistic legacy is immence. ffrom their earliest days of contact americans freely appropriated duch terms-blunderbuss (literally thunder gun). AAround 1900 in new berlin ohio a department – store worker named J.murray Spangler invented a device which he called an electric suction sweeper.
TThat is we can very quickly understand a new word in our language (a neologism) and accept the use of different forms of that new word. This devise eventually became very popular and could have been known as a Spangler.
etymology borrowing compound clipping blending coinage
TThe study of the origin and history of a word is known as its etimology,a term which like many of our technical words comes to us through Latin but has its origins in Greek.
OOne of the least common processes of word formation in English coinage that is the invention of totally new terms. TThe most typical sources are invented trade names for commercial product that become general terms (usually without capital letters) for any version of that product.
New words based on name of a person or a place are called eponyms.when we talked about a hoover we are using an eponym. Other commen eponyms are sandwich,jeans and farenhite.
The process of taking words from other language. Throughout its history the english language has adapted a vast number of words from other language including croissant,dope,piano and yogurt.
The process of combining two (or more) words to form a new word. This combining process technically known as compunding is very common in language such as German and English but much less common in language such as French.
The process of combining the beginning of one word. However blending is typically accomplished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word forexample:gasohol. In a few blends we combine the begining of both words as in terms from information technology such as telex and modem.
The process of reducing a word of more than one syllable to a shorter from. The term gasoline is still used but most people talk about gas using the clipped form.
Backformation Conversion Infixes Prefix & suffix Derivation Acronyms
The process of reducing a word such as a noun to a shorter version & using it has a new word such as a verb like babysit(v) from babysitter(n) or a good example.
Backformation is the process where by the noun television first came in to use and then the verb television was created from it.
A process of changing the function of word such as a noun to a verb as a way of forming new words like vacation in: They are vacation in florida.
It is worth nothing that some words can shift substantially in meaning when they change category through conversion forexample the verb to doctor often has a negative sense not normally associated with the source noun a doctor.
A new word formed from the initial letters of other words like:CD (compact disk)
Some new acronyms come into general use so quickly thatmany speakers do not think of their component meaning such az the ATM (automatic teller machine)
The process of forming new words by adding affixes. Affix means a bound morpheme such as un- or-ed added to a word like understand. Some famaliar example are the elements un- mis-less like unhappy misrepresent.
A morpheme added to the beginning of a word like unhappy and a bound morpheme added to the end of a word like: fainted
There is third type of affix not normally used in English but found in some other languages. This is called an infix and as the term suggests it is an affix that is in corporated inside another word.
1.The invention of totally new terms in language is known as…… a. Coinage b. Clipping c. Borrowing d. Compounding 2.The word televise,donate and emote which are in turn the reduced forms of television,donation and emotion are made by a process known as………..
a. Conversion b. Backformation c. Blending d. Clipping 3.The words which are formed from the initial letters of a set of other words are referred to as………. a. Derivations b. Acronyms c. Clippings d. shortenings
4.We can understand a(an)…………in our language very quickly and accept the use of different forms of that new word. a. Expression b. Compound c. Invention d. Neologism 5.The trade name for one company product can be used for any version of that product this process of naming is called:
a. Coinage b. Borrowing c. Calque d. Loan 6.To produce words such as telethon and telex one must use the……….process. a. Clipping b. Backformation c. Conversion d. blending
7.In wich of the following words first blending & then derivation have occurred? a. Carjacking b. Fantabulons c. Footballer d. Haircut 8.The words like kleenex and nylon are examples of word formation of…… a. Calques b. Coinage c. Blending d. clipping
9.The term smog which refers to the combined effects of smoke & fog is an example of a process called……… a. Calques b. Coinage c. Blending d. Clipping 10.Which of the following word is an example of acronym?
a. Scuba b. Prof c. Emote d. Terrorism 11.Is the study of origin & history of words in any language. a. Coinage b. Etymology c. Clipping d. blending
12.The words chem,exam,gym,lab and prof are called……words. a. Compound b. Borrowed c. Clipped d. Conversion 13.New words based on the name of a person or a place are called…….
a. Neologism b. Eponyms c. Coinages d. Borr0wing 14.The words such as ad,flu and phone are cases of……. a. Backformation b. Conversion c. Clipping d. blending
15.Which term is not an example of hypocorism? a. Brekky b. Hankie c. Bookie d. handy