Life Doesn’t Frighten me By: Maya Angelou
Vocabulary word list A clasp [KLASP] n. hold; grip maids [MAYDZ] n. women who do cleaning work might [MYT] n. strength, ability, or power overhead [oh vuhr HED] adv. above; up in the sky spoil [SPOYL] v. wreck or ruin weep [WEEP] v. cry; shed tears
Vocabulary word list B avow [uh VOW] v. promise; say in front of other people charm [CHAHRM] n. object a person might carry to bring good luck parting [PAHRT ing] n. the act of leaving pitiless [PIT i lis] adj. cruel; with no sympathy quantities [KWAHN tuh tees] n. amounts sulkily [SUHL kuh lee] adv. in a way that shows unhappiness or a bad attitude
Exercise A Fill in each blank in the paragraph below with an appropriate word from Word List A. Use each word only once. Lars ripped the flyer out of his sister’s [1] _____________________. “Don’t call us CLASP [2] _____________________,” he said. “Nico and I are cleaning professionals. If you use MAID the wrong word, it will [3] _____________________ our ad. No one will hire us!” SPOIL Lars and Nico hoped to make money by cleaning houses. They were trying with all their [4] _____________________ to save money for a trip to Mexico. “If we don’t get to go,” said Lars, “I think I will just break down and MIGHT [5] _____________________.” WEEP “Don’t worry,” said Nico. “People will call us up and give us work. Pretty soon we’ll be on one of those planes flying [6] _____________________. I’m sure we will earn the money OVERHEAD
Exercise B Revise each sentence so that the underlined vocabulary word is used in a logical way. Be sure to keep the vocabulary word in your revision. Example: If you are not more careful, you might help yourself. If you are not more careful, you might hurt yourself. Some people carry a rabbit’s foot as a lucky charm to make sure bad things happen. (make sure nothing bad happens) It was Bob’s first time away from home, so parting from his family was easy. (was hard) Sheila is a pitiless person; she feels terrible if anyone else is unhappy. (doesn’t care if anyone else is unhappy) My sister jumped up and down sulkily because she was happy with her gift. (wasn’t happy with her gift) Why did you bring me such large quantities? I told you I needed a lot. (Small) At a wedding, the bride and the groom avow their dislike for each other. (love)
Reading skills Context clues Paraphrasing Rhythm Rhyme Ask questions Reread Read aloud according to punctuation Rhythm A grouping of similar items Rhyme Wall, hall. Loud, cloud
Maya Angelou Changed her childhood name Marguerite Johnson Never stopped exploring who she is A poet, best-selling author, educator, historian, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer, and director
Before the reading What might the tittle tell us about the poem? What might the picture tell us about the poem? What are the stanzas and lines in a poem?
Reading check (pg-530) The poet uses lists of things to build Rhythm and rhyme, what things does she list in the first stanza? The poet lists shadows, noises, bad dogs, and ghosts How does the speaker reacts to the scary things in stanzas 1 and 2. She doesn’t cry, she just smiles and scares them away. What words help you know the meaning of shoo in line 14? What does shoo mean? The words boo, make fun, run and fly are context clues for the word shoo. Shoo means to drive or frighten away.
Reading check (pg-531) Repetition can give a poem a musical quality, what repeated words help create rhythm in this poem? “Life doesn’t frighten me at all” along with “They don’t frighten me at all” Looking at the picture, What details show that this girl is confident and determined? Her facial expression shows great determination; her posture indicates that she is moving toward the ball; she is holding a large bat with confidence.
Activity: workbook Complete #1 pg-17 1) Don’t SHOW me FROGS and SNAKES/ and LIS-ten FOR my SCREAM/ if IM a-FRAID at ALL/ it’s ON-ly IN my DREAMS. Selection Test A: # 1,2,3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 Use a dictionary if you need to