04/21/2008 Nodal COMS RTM Extract Data Review SDAWG & DEWG Jackie Ashbaugh ERCOT ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 04/17/2008 and is subject to change at anytime.
04/21/2008 Real Time Market Settlement Batch Timeline - DRAFT
RTM Extract Posting Schedule - DRAFT 04/21/2008
RTM Consolidated Operating Day Extract Certified Extract –Must be scheduled by market participants –CRRAHs, QSEs, PGCs & LSEs –Retrieve through MIS via Data Aggregation landing page, Settlements & Billing landing page or API Published as a result of an APPROVED settlement statement for an operating day –Settlement APPROVED Operating Day specific data –Contains market participant level data –RTM settlement inputs and outputs in interval, scalar and telemeteresstatus data –One operating day in extract file –Posted in conjunction with RTM Market Operating Day Extract To shadow settle RTM use in conjunction with the following extracts: –Public Reference Data Extract for dimensional descriptive data –RTM Market Operating Day Extract –DAM Consolidated Operating Day Extract for given Operating Day –DAM Market Operating Day Extract for given Operating Day
04/21/2008 RTM Market Operating Day Extract Secure Extract –CRRAHs, QSEs, LSEs & PGCs –Retrieve through MIS via Data Aggregation landing page, Settlements & Billing landing page or API Published as a result of an APPROVED settlement statement for an operating day –Settlement APPROVED Operating Day specific data –Contains market level data –RTM settlement inputs and outputs in interval and scalar data –One operating day in extract file –Posted in conjunction with RTM Consolidated Operating Day Extract To shadow settle RTM use in conjunction with the following extracts: –Public Reference Data Extract for dimensional descriptive data –RTM Consolidated Operating Day Extract –DAM Consolidated Operating Day Extract for given Operating Day –DAM Market Operating Day Extract for given Operating Day
04/21/2008 RTM CODE & MODE Data DRAFT Settlement DDL and XSD found at: What Market? –Defined by extract posting name - RTM Operating Day –Found in extract posting name –Found in interval/scalar tables as STARTTIME BILLDETERMINANT table defines where billdeterminants can be found in the interval or scalar tables using the ‘billdeterminanttype’ field LSTIME represents the ADDTIME of the data record UIDSTATEMENTSCHED is a field on all interval/scalar records except MKTINPUT tables that can be used to associate data records to the same settlement approval Header records: –Associated to either an interval record OR scalar record, not both –Have a one to many relationship with interval/scalar records –Delivered with interval/scalar record. This means that the header record may be sent multiple times. –Join to interval/scalar records using the UIDXXXXHEADER field –Contain all descriptive information about the interval/scalar records –Defines Market Participant ‘owner’ for certified records Approved DAM data used in the RTM settlement will not be resent in RTM CODE and MODE extracts, therefore, DAM CODE and MODE extracts for the given operating day must be used for RTM shadow settlements
04/21/2008 Questions?