Few-body physics of ultracold atoms and molecules in confined geometry Vladimir Melezhik Bogoliubov Lab. of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna Outline: Experimental achievements (laser cooling, optical traps, atomic chips) New physics: quantum gases, physics of Bose-Einstein condensations Problems: low-dimensional few-body physics Theoretical models (simple ones) Resent results (extended models) Perspectives, what is going to happen ? 3-5 Feb 2010, Dubna
What happens if atoms scatter in excited states? E What happens in collision of two distinguishable particles in a harmonic waveguide if ? What happens if inelastic collisions? Molecule formation?
12 N
12 N
Effect of CM coupling with relative atom-atom motion
S.Seaidian, V.Melezhik, P.Schmelcher, Phys.Rev.A77, (2007) Multichannel atomic scattering in waveguides
One open channel
M.Moore, T.Bergeman and M.Olshanii, J.Phys.IV, 116, 69 (2004)
Multi-channel scattering of bosons in confined geometries
Multi-channel scattering of fermions in confined geometries