Imperialism China & Japan A.Japan B.China
A.Japan Westerners became interested in gaining access to Japan in the early 1800’s
Japan initially refused to let Westerners into their nation Very isolated and happy Under threat of military force by the United States, Japan allowed the Westerners into their nation
Japan doesn’t want Westerners to dominate them They will modernize and copy the ways of the Europeans and Americans
Japan will eventually want it’s own territories to establish an empire to show its growing strength Two wars fought by Japan to gain territory: –Sino-Japanese (against the Chinese) –Russo-Japanese (against the Russians) –Japan will win both wars and now have control of Korea
B.China China was self-sufficient and had little contact with the west before the new era of Imperialism Europeans only allowed in certain port cities
During the era of Imperialism, Europeans and Americans want more access to China China will be divided into spheres of influence Europeans will have the right to trade in their areas of China China not controlled politically
China can not oppose Westerners because they do not have the technology and are not organized militarily The U.S. does not have a sphere of influence Wants access to China The U.S. creates the Open Door Policy –all nations have equal trade rights in China – no one country controlled any area in China.
Chinese will resent the Europeans & Americans for: 1.Making the Chinese addicted to opium 2.Not obeying Chinese laws 3.Forcing China to open its ports to Westerners
Resentment leads to growth of nationalist feelings and many rebellions Boxer Rebellion (1900): –a secret society will attack the foreigners –Will not be successful in ousting them