Quentin Jerome Tarantino
Mini Biography In January of 1991 a film titled Reservoir Dogs (1992) hit the Sundance Film festival. The writer-director was a first-timer by the name of Quentin Tarantino. The film garnered critical acclaim and the director became a legend in the England, UK and the cult film circuit. Three years later he followed up 'Dogs' with the film Pulp Fiction (1994). 'Pulp' premiered at the Cannes film festival, where it won the coveted 'Palme D'Or' the virtual equal of the Best Picture at the Academy Awards. At the '93 Academy Awards, 'Pulp' was nominated for the Best Picture Oscar, in addition Best Director and Best Original Screenplay, among others. Tarantino and writing partner Roger Avary came away with the award only for Best Original Screenplay. (Where Roger uttered his now famous line, "I've gotta go pee".) In 1995, Tarantino directed one fourth of the Anthology Four Rooms (1995) with friends and fellow auteurs Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez, and Allison Anders. That film was released on December 25th in the United States to very weak reviews. This is mainly due to the heavy cutting of the first two segments and the introduction which make much of the plotline unintelligible, and creates a complete mess out of the second segment, directed by Alexandre Rockwell. The best two segments of the film are Robert Rodriguez's and Tarantino's. Tarantino's next film was From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), a crime/vampire film which he wrote and co-starred with George Clooney. The film did fairly well theatrically. (Kale Whorton ) Reservoir DogsQuentin TarantinoPulp FictionAward Roger Avaryaward Four RoomsAlexandre Rockwell Robert RodriguezAllison AndersFrom Dusk Till DawnGeorge ClooneyKale Whorton Reservoir DogsQuentin TarantinoPulp FictionAward Roger Avaryaward Four RoomsAlexandre Rockwell Robert RodriguezAllison AndersFrom Dusk Till DawnGeorge ClooneyKale Whorton
Most Famous For: Reservoir DogsReservoir Dogs (1992), Reservoir Dogs True RomanceTrue Romance (1993), True Romance Pulp FictionPulp Fiction (1994), Pulp Fiction From Dusk Till DawnFrom Dusk Till Dawn (1996) From Dusk Till Dawn Jackie BrownJackie Brown (1997), Jackie Brown Kill Bill: Vol. 1Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Kill Bill: Vol. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004). Kill Bill: Vol. 2
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 These movies have been his most resent amazing pieces of work. Where he has blended his love of films, others techniques, and the truths of the heart into an amazing movie, that ended up having to be split into two individual movies. In Kill Bill QT shows characters with compaction, revenge, hatred, love, and honor. All truths of the heart that made the characters detailed and beloved. The great deal that he put into each character is what really makes the movie so astounding and gives the film the strength to endure.
Kill Bill 1 & 2 cont. QT even has similarities to Faulkner's work in literature. Tarantino's films have the fragmentation of time in a story and the vivid description of violence, which are characteristics of Faulkner's novels. This also helps his films in becoming memorable because of Faulkner’s work has endured just how QT’s work will fallow as well. This is why I believe that Quentin Tarantino, is one of the most eminent filmmakers in the world today. He uses violence in the film as a art form. It is not just a cheesy form of attracting people to the movies but is shown in a postmodernistic way that brings the violence to a level where the imagery and the picture takes over and enhances the story. This is very evident in the Kill Bill volumes as well as many of his other works.
Reservoir Dogs His debut as a director-screenwriter with Reservoir Dogs and created great sensations at various film festivals around the world in This film maybe the next great cult film. With its individual and intriguing characters that have unique and special moods and feelings that encompass the majority of people who have seen the movie. As well many people identify with at least one character if not more.
Reservoir Dogs cont. This movie will endure and has endured so far, although it has only been 10 years. But it will endured because of other movies and styles that adapted from the film. This film shows honor even among thieves. Because all the characters trusted each other enough to begin the heist in the movie showed that Tarantino showed honor and trust that came from the heart.
Reservoir Dogs cont. Although the film may have been bloody and gruesome there was still a sense of humor and irony behind the plot. That draws the viewer in further to the story and experience. The truths of the heart are brought into the story and characters by the honor of the characters, the honor of characters are present through all of his movies; and is represented by many of the characters in Reservoir Dogs.
The Writing of QT “There are very few films nowadays that tell a story. Most films are based on a situation with a bunch of sequences tacked on to an already weak structure. As a result you get a film that feels empty because there is no substance to it, there is no story.” QT is the one of the exceptions to that because he focuses more on telling a story then showing you what people do in the situations. Example Pulp Fiction, it had complex structure borrowed from literature. This gave the viewers wanting to know more about the characters pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice through out the story. Which is what Tarantino did for them and showed them the truths of the story.
More Tarantino Writing What I believe makes all of QT’s movies so strong and meaningful is that he makes other cultural and film references in all of his movies. I believe this to be true because when he incorporates other literatures and others works into his own, it turns out to be some of the best work made.
His mastery of the arts. My nose is so brown at this point I can not think of any other of his amazing achievements to gawk about now do to the fact there are so many of his feats. He is in fact one of the masters of the heart and its truths due to the fact of the artistic look and over all feeling of his fight sequences, and interactions of the characters with each other. This is very evident in the movies Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, and Reservoir Dogs. Where the character interactions are the main make up of the story. This is also very evident in Kill Bill where Bill is talking to Beatrix (The Bride) and their dialog at the beginning of the movie or somewhere in the first one, where there is a close up on her face whilst Bill is talking to her.
Oh and now that slide in English and not computer talk When the truths of the heart were explained by Faulkner many many many years ago, it did not take into the fact of sweet ass killing and special effects and the use of these amplifiers of stories into literature and maybe even your life. With out these the literature would be meaning less and have nothing to do with real life nor the truths of any type of heart.
Will the rant continue …. I THINK SO!!! The truths of the heart are old and out of date unlike Mr. Tarantino and his amazing works of life love sorrow and strength of souls. QT squeezes every last drop of pain, suffering, happiness, and sad into each ridiculously amazing story he tells to the world when he writes from his heart and creates a master piece of a movie. This is why he has won numerous awards and acknowledgements from his works.
The violence continues… Most people do not understand the violence and gore in all if not most of his movies. People are weak nowadays and cannot stomach the true essence of the great samurai or just shoot out scene. Blood gushing out of heads is the best thing I have seen in my life. QT has developed this form of visual amazement from old samurai movies from the 70’s and 80’s. See the “Japs” know what is up with filmography.
Criticism…. People believe that QT is a terrible writer “[QJT] is a joke, his filmistry in no way represents anything that literature holds true to the heart. ”(Ryan Blowman) But others, with whom Faulkner would have to agree, explain that ”his wonderful mastery of cinema will not be surpassed for eons” (Dan’l Webster) his movies are in a constant roe-sham-boa of literary disagreement between critics.
Now that I have ran out of titles here is this slide to conclude Through QT’s writing of his films you can see that he is a true writer of the heart. He is not afraid of the unthinkable nor afraid to show what others may not realize is a art but they think it is just its brutal outside that they see. QT shows pity in his work in kill bill where the bride gets revenge after living through a shot to the head. He shows sacrifice in Reservoir Dogs where the other bandits keep the fairly new help Mr. Orange. He then shows pride in Pulp Fiction when the boxer decides to not throw his fight for the safety of his pride. Tarantino is a great writer film maker and I shall defend his works for the rest of my days which are not in any comparison to how long the amazing stories of the heart he has written will endure.
… can I do any more of these in my titles?!?!? “It’s mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack—not rationality.”(kill bill) these are pretty much talking for them selves these words are from kill bill and should be more like the real truth of the heart. Because the bride in the movie is showing the bad guy that she is about to destroy her. “You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize” in this quote from Reservoir Dogs it shows that he has very developed characters that say what come from the heart. In this quote his writing shows that he is not afraid to say the unthinkable. You never hear some one get angry over an other’s dream, but with QT he shows that even in dreams the truth shows through all.
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