Master WuGui once said (in Kangfu Panda) : Yesterday is the past, Tomorrow is the future, Today, however, is a gift, That’s why it’s called, present.
What is my present? Every day, to the classroom I went, Only to find, that my DFW rate has gone up one percent, Covering, in Calculus, Trigonometry content, In the end, still no one can divide a line segment.
I submit papers, to journals that seem to be descent, A great amount of time, is what I spent, One would hope it’s worth the effort, at least to some extent, Until my results are stolen, by an editor with a weird accent.
A hardworking mathematician, is what I represent, Complaining is not my intent, Not everything in the world, do I resent, After all, during furlough days, I still get to pay my rent.
But present, No matter how hard, is still a blessed event, When I hold your hand, look into your eyes, I see my present, Since you are present, You are my present, Today, everyday, is a present. Happy valentine, my love, enjoy your present. Hua, Feb 14, 2010 Today is a new day!