I. United States as an Intercultural Community: What does it mean to be an American?
Metaphors Melting Pot: This image represents the ideal blending of cultural groups. To create a great big assimilated culture that is stronger and better than the unique individual cultures of which it is composed. Melting Pot: This image represents the ideal blending of cultural groups. To create a great big assimilated culture that is stronger and better than the unique individual cultures of which it is composed. Single cultural entity has never existed Single cultural entity has never existed Accommodations have been made Accommodations have been made Some practices have been adopted Some practices have been adopted
Tributaries: cultures maintain their unique identity as they surge toward their common destination. Tributaries: cultures maintain their unique identity as they surge toward their common destination. Suggests that it is acceptable and desirable for cultural groups to maintain their identities Also, suggests that their objective is to be apart of the majority Suggests that it is acceptable and desirable for cultural groups to maintain their identities Also, suggests that their objective is to be apart of the majority (Tributaries are small creeks that ultimately flow into a common stream, where they combine to form a major river). (Tributaries are small creeks that ultimately flow into a common stream, where they combine to form a major river).
Tapestry: A decorative cloth made up of many strands that are woven together into an artistic design that may be pleasing to others and not to some. Tapestry: A decorative cloth made up of many strands that are woven together into an artistic design that may be pleasing to others and not to some. Is static and unchangeable Is static and unchangeable
Garden Salad: A complex array of distinct cultures that are blended into a unique, tasteful mixture. Garden Salad: A complex array of distinct cultures that are blended into a unique, tasteful mixture. You can mix the salad differently You can mix the salad differently Provides different textures, colors and tastes Provides different textures, colors and tastes Always in a state of flux. Always in a state of flux.
5. Create your own metaphor How would you describe the American Culture? How would you describe the American Culture?
Names: many people who live in the U.S.A prefer to call themselves American. But, people in Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, and other central and South American countries also consider themselves, as Americans-they are apart of the continent collectively known as the Americas. They believe for U.S.A to call themselves Americans is imperialistic and insulting. They resent the implication they are less central or less important. Names: many people who live in the U.S.A prefer to call themselves American. But, people in Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, and other central and South American countries also consider themselves, as Americans-they are apart of the continent collectively known as the Americas. They believe for U.S.A to call themselves Americans is imperialistic and insulting. They resent the implication they are less central or less important. United Statians United Statians United Staters United Staters U.S. Americans- this narrows the scope U.S. Americans- this narrows the scope
Cultural Groups We avoid- majority, minority, dominant, non-dominant groupings We avoid- majority, minority, dominant, non-dominant groupings We avoid grouping that denote race (ex. White/Caucasian-European American) We avoid grouping that denote race (ex. White/Caucasian-European American) Hispanics- derives from the dominant influences of Spain and the Spanish language-seems to group people who have Spanish surnames Hispanics- derives from the dominant influences of Spain and the Spanish language-seems to group people who have Spanish surnames
Chicano-refers to the multiple heritages of Mexicans in the United States. Speaks to political and social consciousness. Chicano-refers to the multiple heritages of Mexicans in the United States. Speaks to political and social consciousness. Those who wish to acknowledge their cultural roots to their national heritage prefer Mexican American & Cuban American. Those who wish to acknowledge their cultural roots to their national heritage prefer Mexican American & Cuban American.
Latino- a cultural and linguistic term that includes all groups in the Americas that share the Spanish language, culture and traditions Latino- a cultural and linguistic term that includes all groups in the Americas that share the Spanish language, culture and traditions Native American, Arab American, Pacific Islander, Asian American, etc. Native American, Arab American, Pacific Islander, Asian American, etc. African American African American
II. Competence and Intercultural Communication: interaction that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives in a way that is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs. Communication: interaction that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives in a way that is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs. Intra-cultural Communication Competence Intra-cultural Communication Competence Perceived- competence is bases on the communicators Perceived- competence is bases on the communicators Is specific to context of the relationship Is specific to context of the relationship Appropriate- communicators use symbols that they are expected to use. Appropriate- communicators use symbols that they are expected to use.
What are the goals & objectives of the communication? Components of Intercultural Competence Components of Intercultural Competence Context Context Appropriateness/Effectiveness; Proper suitable behaviors Appropriateness/Effectiveness; Proper suitable behaviors 3. Knowledge (Culture general/specific), Motivations (emotional associations/ feeling on intercultural comm./intentions), Actions (actual performance) 3. Knowledge (Culture general/specific), Motivations (emotional associations/ feeling on intercultural comm./intentions), Actions (actual performance)
III. Basic tools for improving Intercultural Competence BASICS: Behavioral Assessment Scale for Intercultural Competence 8 Steps 8 Steps 1. Display of respect: Show positive regard for another person 2. Orientation to knowledge: terms used to explain yourself and your world 3. Empathy: behave as though you understand the world of others 4. Interaction Management: skill of regulating conversation
5. Task role behavior: initiation of ideas related to group problem solving 6. Relational Role behavior: behaviors associated w/ interpersonal harmony 7. Tolerance ambiguity: ability to react to new and ambiguous situation with little visible discomfort 8. Interaction posture: ability to respond to others in descriptive, non- evaluative, and nonjudgmental way Description Description Interpretation Interpretation Evaluation Evaluation
Homework Are you African American? Are you African American? Are you Black? Are you Black? Are you Filipino? Are you Filipino? Are you Caucasian Are you Caucasian Are you Hispanic? Are you Hispanic?WHY???? 400 words on why you identify yourself in one of these cultural groups