By Spencer A.L. Gorham
The New World Columbus discovers the new world in Funded by the Catholic Church + Recently Unified Spain Colonization = Catholicism/Gold “The colonial enterprise was based both on the necessity to develop European commerce and the obligation to propagate the Christian faith.” New Spain is created in Mexico, other Islands are colonized. Creates want to pursue colonization of South America.
Destroying the Inca Francisco Pizarro is given direct permission by the Spanish Monarchy to colonize Peru on July, The Inca Empire had recently lost its emperor (possibly to small pox which was introduced by the Spanish in Mexico) and was in the middle of a civil war. Small Pox Defeats the Incas with 177 men in The Viceroyalty of Peru is created in 1542 The last Inca ruler dies in 1572.
Class Structure The class structure revolved around European blood Peninsulares – European born Creoles – European blooded born in Latin America Mestizos/Mulattoes – Half European blood, half Native American blood/half African blood Native American’s/African’s Creoles resent Peninsulares Some people “were born to serve”. Racism
The Economy Mercantilism – The Latin economy is tightly run by the administration placed by the Europeans The Spanish were searching for gold but instead found mass amounts of silver. Eventually causes inflation back in Spain. Slave labor and Coercive labor tactics are used. Silver, Tabacco, Flour, Rice, Wheat, Indigo, Corn, Fish, and more Latin goods go to Europe, European goods go to the Peninsulares and the Creoles (Consumerism) No free trade.
Silver Mines “the Indian workers are punished and ill-treated to such an extent that they die like flies and our whole race is threatened with extermination.” –Guaman Poma de Ayala High death rate from unsafe conditions (Mercury Poisining) Paid about half what they should have been The city of Potosí was funded by a silver mine. One of the wealthiest and most populated Euro-American Cities. At its peak it rivaled London’s population.
Cultural Identity As European colonialism created a melting-pot of peoples new cultures were formed. Catholicism trends in these cultures. People resent the Europeans for discrimination and overall pigheadedness. Higher demand to become independent from Europe.
The Enlightenment A new form of thinking is created by European Philosophes in the late 17 th early 18 th century Spreads to America = American Revolution The French who fought alongside the American’s have the French Revolution Haitian Revolution
Culmination The Latin people are sick of European Governance (trade) Creoles wish to overthrow the Peninsulares Racism holds back unique cultural identities attempting to flourish The word of revolutions in other places yields determined people willing to die for independence The Spanish were weak because of the death of Charles III and the reign of his son Charles IV + fighting in European wars
Question #1 Would the Inca Empire have survived if the Spanish didn’t eliminate them?
Question #2 Would the Latin Independence Movements have happened without the Enlightenment? If yes would it have succeeded?
Question #3 Brazil became independent peacefully unlike the rest of South America because it was owned by Portugal not Spain. What does this say about the Spanish Empire?
Works Cited "New Spain, Viceroyalty of: area in New Spain documenting a legal settlement, 1569". Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web. 07 Dec "Thesis/Topics." Francisco Pizarro. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec "Latin American Geographies at OWU." Latin American Geographies at OWU. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec "Unit 8." Adventure to Global. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec "Plantations." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec "Potosí Silver Mines." Welcome to IISH. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec "“Washington Crossing the Delaware”". Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web. 07 Dec Emanuel Emanuel "French Revolution: peasants storm the Bastille prison in Paris on July 14, 1789". Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web. 07 Dec