The Age of Discovery and Exploration The Factors that will lead Europe to North America.
What organization dominated all political social and economic thought during the Middle Ages? Whom did they say was the ultimate decider? If this is true, how does this affect the choices that you make in your life?
“ America was discovered by Columbus purely by accident and was named for a man who had nothing to do with it; we now honor Columbus for doing something that he never intended to do, and never knew what he had done. Yet we are right in so honoring him, because no other sailor had the persistence, the knowledge, or the sheer guts to sail thousands of miles into the unknown ocean until he found land.” --Samuel Morison
Basis of the Renaissance Secular thought grows —world view apart from a “God” view Man centered ---can think and be in control as opposed to all“God’s Will.” Man could reason and make choices—leads to Age of Enlightenment This is a direct challenge to church The Renaissance Opens the way for changes in how man views his world
Scientific Revolution Nicholas Copernicus Galilei Galileo Sir Isaac Newton --Heliocentric Theory --Telescope confirmed Heliocentric Theory --Gravity and movement of the solar system of the solar system Led to new technology—compass, astrolabe that helped exploration Further weakens the control of the autocratic church. Why?
Protestant Reformation 1517
The Protestant Reformation Results: People start to read and write for themselves! Strong Kings emerge and resent the power of the Church Number of religions in Europe increases
Commercial Revolution Via the Renaissance, people started to think about the world around them. Led to a desire to explore which led to…. Development of Trade which led to… The formation of larger cities. WHY???????
Trade also led to banking and Consumerism—something we all know about!!!! Trade led to…the creation of a merchant middle class, as well as wealthy merchant family’s
How do you think these changes will affect: 1. The Roman Catholic Church? 2. How the people in Europe think about themselves and the world around them? 3. Society in general?
Martin Luther urged people to find Christian truth in the bible themselves, that they could make their own choices. What political theory does the Protestant Reformation encourage? The opening of trade routes led to the rise of a capitalistic economy. Capitalism involves uncertainty and risk: who can predict what people want to buy? Who can afford to have the money tied up in unsold goods? During this time a new type of person developed who was called an “enterpriser” or entrepreneur. In what kind of political environment does an entrepreneur flourish? Why? Is there any relationship between Protestantism and Capitalism? Explain your answer ?