PG-33 A gerund is the ing form of a verb, used as a noun Can be used as a subject or an object Can be used with an article or possessive or demonstrative adjective A verb in the ing form following a preposition is usually a gerund Read examples from the page
Subject gerunds Reading is a useful way of passing your free time
Object gerunds My parents consider racing a dangerous sport
article + gerund The designing of the building was not as expected.
Demonstrative adjective + gerunds This fighting is bringing harm to everyone.
Preposition + gerund Most of my friends are concerned about winning and not about the means of winning.
Possessive adjective + gerund Please, excuse my interrupting you.
Verb + gerund They resent going there
Complete the exercise (pg-33) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the infinitive or the gerund: Note: infinitive is the basic form of a verb EX: let him see.