B LOG : T HE N EWEST F ORM OF C OMPUTER C OMMUNICATION By: Joy McCarroll Date: April 28, 2008 Class: COSC 1401
W HAT I S A “B LOG ”? Blog is short for Weblog A blog is defined as “…an informal Web site consisting of time-stamped articles in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order.”
A B RIEF H ISTORY OF THE “B LOG ” Although blogging is a resent invention, still it is uncertain as to who actually invented or created the first blog. The term “weblog” later shortened to “blog” was first used by John Barger in 1997, who began compiling. In 1998 Jesse James Garrett, an information architect, began to compile a list of sites of weblogs. This list later was posted on “Camworld”. Sites then began being added to the web list and in October of 1999 there were 23 weblogs.
A B RIEF H ISTORY OF THE “B LOG ” The Blog has grown and evolved into everything from personal blogs, where the author maintains an online journal with hyperlinks to areas of personal interest to virtually every area of human interest. Diverse types of blogs are: personal blogs, news blogs, campaign blogs, tech blogs, sports blogs, employment law blogs, photo blogs, military blogs and many, many more. While the majority of blogs are politically oriented, an ever- rising number of blogs are dedicated to complaints about unhappy employees. This has brought a rise to anti- employer blogs that pose a huge potential risk for employers, large and small. And even in some cases, anti- employer comments posted on message boards and on blogs have done serious damage to employer stock values.
B ASIC T YPES OF B LOGS : Personal Blogs -Example: websites such as myspace.com and facebook.com Corporate Blogs -Example: websites such as espn.com or political blogs such as directory.etalkinghead.com
E FFECTS OF THE B LOG Pros of the Blogs’ Popularity: -Created the Blogosphere -Encourages & Advances Communitication - Employment in the Computer Industry -Advances learning
E FFECTS OF THE B LOG Some Cons of the Blogs’ Popularity: - Personal Safety -Legal Issues: Free speech vs. the Law -The Question of Truth -Copyrights & A Challenge to the Mass Media
E MPLOYMENT I N B LOGGING Most blogs are started, maintained, and updated by private individuals as a hobby. Despite that blogging has become a great way to network for jobs. Still some have made a career out of writing blogs. Others have added being a blogger as part of their resume and responsibilities.
T HE C ASE OF THE B LOG The emergence of blogging has brought with it a range of legal ramifications. As of yet there is no substantial body of case law involving blogging. Still the biggest problems arises when bloggers reveal proprietary or confidential information, and post contents that defame the person or company. The few cases that are related to blogging involve: libel (defamation), anonymity and trade secrets, copyright infringement, and privacy issues.
T HE R IPPLE E FFECT OF THE B LOG Although highly popular as a novelty, blog has shaped the computer industry beyond communication and personal entertainment and into the political, information, and social realms of modern life. Amazingly in the blog’s short existence it has blogging has entered the field of librarianship. It has become a convenient way for many library staff to communicate with each other and spread- their message to a wider base.
W ORK C ITIED Textbooks: -Discovering Computers 2007 A Gateway to Information.Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat -Discovering Computers Fundamantals. Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat Internet Sites: wt1/www/A_Cho/impact.htm cs_and_trends.htm