Lillian Porta - Competency 12 Produce digital multimedia educational or professional experiences
Idioms [these particular idioms might be taught around St. Patrick’s Day] Color Idioms Green to be inexperienced or immature Ling has not driven very much. He is rather green and does not have enough experience to drive our trucks yet. green thumb a talent for gardening; the ability to make things grow My neighbor has a green thumb, and she has the most beautiful garden in our neighborhood. green around the gills looking sick Joseph looked green around the gills after the long bus ride. green with envy to be very jealous of someone or to resent what they have or can do Alex was green with envy when he heard that his cousin won the lottery.
Weather idioms under the weather feeling ill or sick Nancy was under the weather so she did not go to work today. made in the shade things are working out for you or you have an easy time in life or in a particular situation Lucy’s got it made in the shade. She married a millionaire, and now she doesn’t have to work. Food Idioms (not my) cup of tea something you might enjoy, but used in a negative way Having to work very closely with my boss is not my cup of tea. a piece of cake very easy I was so nervous before I took my exam, but it was a piece of cake.
Note: I haven’t included ALL the idioms I would use in this particular lesson. Also to be included are idioms about the body, animals, life, sports, money, for a total of 19 commonly used idioms in English.
[students’ activity] Ask each other questions using idioms: Fill in the blanks with idioms. Then ask each other the questions. Use your imagination to think of answers. The answers don’t have to be true. Use the idioms when responding to the questions. Listening to opera is not my _________________. What have you done that you might not enjoy? I tried to parachute jump one time, but I ______________________at the last minute. Has that ever happened to you? What happened? Last month I won the lottery and _______________________to the bank. Has anything like that ever happened to you? Tell me about it. Alex just started working and he is really _______________at his new job. Have you ever started a new job and had a lot to learn? Which job? John always gives me his __________________, even if I don’t ask for his advice. Do you always give someone else your advice? Why? Sam and Alice bought a new house, and Susanna is ________________. Why do you think she feels that way?
[students’ activity] Please work with each other and finish the following sentences: 1. Alex is never home. He is always ____________________. His wife wants to divorce him. I think she’s _____________________________. 2. Even if you don’t like your new job, don’t _______________________. You can get some experience for a new job later on. 3. Charlie and Dolores always agree with each other. They see _______________. They never argue. 4. Mark was _____________________ when he got off that boat. He was ______________________________. 5. Listen, Marie, Andrew is really rich. If you keep dating him you’ll have it _______________. You’ll be_______________. 6. Susan learned how to swim ______________________. I think she’s a fish! 7. Annie just turned 50. She’s ___________________.
[students’ activity] Look at this famous picture of constructions workers from “Lunch atop a skyscraper.” Notice many of the workers are talking to each other. Using some of the idioms from today’s lesson, write 2-3 conversation questions about what you think a person in the picture might be saying. Then ask and answer these questions with your partner.
This lesson would be used in an adult ESL community-based English class, and the teacher would be teaching the students 19 commonly used English idioms. [Note: For this lesson, all slides would be projected onto a whiteboard.] The students would learn and practice using idioms through written and oral practice. The teacher would elicit the meaning of the word “idiom” and have the students provide examples, as well as demonstrate how an idiom means something that is different from the individual meaning of the words themselves (ex. “kick the bucket” shown in different languages on a PPT slide - then proceed to the next slide). In groups, Ss would brainstorm idioms they have in their languages (from their countries); discuss the different idiomatic expressions; present idiomatic expressions from their countries to the class. Ss would be given index cards with 19 idiomatic expressions which the Ss would draw on paper and then tape to the wall (to visually express the meaning of the idiom); the meaning of the idioms would be reviewed and discussed. S groups would complete handouts (fill in the blanks using idioms) – Ss would write the answers directly on the PPT projected on the whiteboard. Ss would converse with each other using the idioms from the day’s lesson.