The Patriot Project Banner Student Implementation
Why Replace SIS? Resides on an end-of-life mainframe Registers, grades, and bills only on a traditional semester basis Lacks the capability to process web-based application, registration, and payments
Revolutionizing Administrative Systems More flexible technology USERS RULE!
What kind of user are you? Back-office userInternet native application End userSelf-service products
Target Dates ComponentGO LIVE Date Admissions Self-Service for Students (Admissions) August 2003 Financial Aid Self-Service for Students (Financial Aid) January 2004 – April 2004 Registration/Student Accounts Self-Service for Students (Registration and Student Accounts) Self-Service for Faculty and Advisors April 2004 Degree AuditSeptember 2004
Implementation Teams TEAMTEAM LEADER AdmissionsFran Herrity Financial AidErik Melis RegistrarSusan Jones Student Fiscal ServicesDonna Groat TechnicalBarbara Yablonski TrainingTBA IRRLaura Phelps
Approach Teams define how module will work SCT trains implementation teams Teams convert data and test module Teams train end users GO LIVE
Success Factors Essential student functionality New self-service capabilities Best practices Privacy Security Performance Trained users On time and within budget
Communication Patriot Project web site Town hall meetings Teams and committees Student and faculty advisory groups
Joy Hughes Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
Shared Person Table
Real-time checking of Pre-requisites for Registration May be defined by: –Student level –College –Classification –Major –Program –Degree –Test Score Can check: –Equivalent Courses –Course Ranges –Groups of Courses –Test scores –Minimum Grade point average in a group of pre-requisite courses –In-progress Courses
Pre-requisite Example Have taken ENGL 110 and earned at least a C or scored at least 500 on the SAT Verbal Test: Set Sub Subj Crse Crse Req Req Min Test Min Max Set Low High Crd Crs Grd A ENGL C A S
Pre-requisite Example2 Have taken 15 credits or 5 courses in lower-level English with a GPA of 2.5 and no single grade lower than a C in the used courses: Area General Requirements: 2.5GPA Detail Requirements: Subj Crse Crse Req Connect Req Min Low High Crd Crs Grd ENGL or 5 C
Shared VISA Codes HR and Student
Self Service Registration
Self-Service Class Search
Self-Service Registration
Student Registration Form
We’ll All Be Changing Staff in functional offices will be writing rules, specifying processes, and maintaining tables. Students, faculty and staff will be using new self service and work flow processes. Programmers will be managing data warehouses and sophisticated report generators rather than writing COBOL code.
“May you live in interesting times”
Jim Dye Account Consultant Professional Services, SCT
Beth Brock Project Leader Banner Finance and HR
HR/Finance Update ComponentStatus Finance SystemGo live July 1, 2002 (next Monday) Training for Finance System usersOngoing from June 18 through August 2 Training on electronic time entry for all faculty and staff Parallel payroll tests October 2002 November and December 2002 Human Resources SystemGo live January 1, 2003
Questions? Wendy Payton Director of Special Projects for the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs MSN 3A