PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence.


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Presentation transcript:

PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence

P = perseverance

P = perseverance What does it LOOK like? Being on time Handing work in on time Finishing an assignment no matter how difficult Helping others Refusing to give up

P = perseverance What does it LOOK like?

P = perseverance What it does NOT look like? Giving up Blaming others Refusing responsibility Not even trying

PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence

R = respect

R = respect What does it LOOK like? Being polite Doing your best Following the Golden Rule Listening Appreciating diversity

R = respect What it does NOT look like?

Littering Using profanity Interrupting Being tardy Bullying

PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence

I = integrity

I = integrity What does it LOOK like? Doing the right thing even when no one is looking Looking in the mirror & liking what you see Being honest Telling the truth Accepting responsibility Speaking up for what you believe

I = integrity What it does NOT look like? Lying Allowing others to be mean Standing by while someone gets hurt Cheating

PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence

D = dependability

D = dependability What does it LOOK like? Being on time Keeping your promises Completing assignments Telling the truth Doing what you say you will when you say you will

I = dependability What it does NOT look like? Being tardy Being apathetic Not finishing tasks Not completing homework or projects Gossiping about friends

PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence

E = excellence What does it LOOK like? Doing your best Helping others to do their best Staying on task Being kind Believing in your abilities Aiming high

E = excellence What it does NOT look like?

PATRIOT PRIDE P = perseverance R = respect I = integrity D = dependability E = excellence