Paul Revere’s Ride By Helen Werntz Forest Acres Elementary School November, 2001
American Patriot Paul Revere was an American Patriot who, along with many other colonists, was angered by the British troops who were living in Boston. On March 5, 1770, a group of angry colonists gathered near some British soldiers and shouted insults at them. Soon a fight broke out and the soldiers fired their guns. Five colonists were killed in the “Boston Massacre.” Paul Revere printed a picture of the event for the newspaper. Needless to say, the picture and the story angered even more colonists!
Paul & the “Tea Party” On the night of December 16, 1773, Paul was involved in the Boston Tea Party. He and a group of men dressed up as Native Americans, climbed onto a British ship, and threw English tea into Boston Harbor. This was a protest on the high taxes that the English placed on the price of tea.
Tensions between the American colonists and the British soldiers got worse. British General Thomas Gage learned that two Patriot leaders, John Hancock and Samuel Adams were hiding out in the town of Lexington. He also learned that the Americans had been stockpiling weapons and military equipment in the town of Concord. He ordered approximately 800 British soldiers to arrest Hancock and Adams and seize the weapons.
The Secret Signal Paul Revere found out about General Gage’s plans and decided he needed to do something to help the Patriots. He would warn Hancock and Adams and the people of Concord. He arranged for friends to give a secret signal to let him know how the British troops would leave Boston. They were to put one lantern in the steeple of Old North Church if the British would be coming by land and two lanterns if they would be moving by sea. Finally Paul saw the signal… two lanterns!
Missing Spurs! Paul’s friends agreed to take him across the river in a boat. There he would find a swift horse waiting for him. Just as he was about to get into the boat, he realized that he had left his spurs at home. He would need them for such a an important mission!
Fortunately, Paul’s dog had followed him to the river. Paul wrote a a note to his wife, attached the note to the dog’s collar, and told the dog to go home. When the dog returned, Paul’s spurs were tied to his collar and the note was gone! Now, Paul was ready for his important ride! Now you see why dogs are called Man’s Best Friend!
Paul’s Ride On the other side of the river, Paul Revere and another patriot, William Dawes, rode in different directions to try and warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that the British were on their way to arrest them. They also wanted to tell the colonists in the towns of Lexington and Concord that the British soldiers were on their way!
The British are Coming! Paul rode his horse, Brown Beauty, into the night. When he reached the town of Lexington, he shouted warnings, “The regulars are out!” (The British are coming!) William Dawes arrived in the town soon after Paul. They found the house where John Hancock and Samuel Adams were staying. They warned them to leave or they would soon be arrested or killed.
The End of the Ride Paul and William Dawes met up with another Patriot, Dr. Samuel Prescott. The three of them headed to Concord to warn of the British invasion. They had not gone far before they were spotted by British soldiers. Dawes and Prescott escaped, but Paul was stopped. He managed to get away from the soldiers, but his horse was taken from him. He had to walk back to Lexington, but he will always be remembered for his famous midnight ride.
Resources Slide 2—The Boston Massacre Slide 5—Old North Church aeo,rbaapcbib,aasm,ftvbib,aaodyssey,hh,gottscho,mharendt,bbpix,bbcards,magbell,lbcoll,rbpebib,calbkbib,tccc,l hbcbbib,cwband,cwnyhs,gmd,cwar,cola,consrvbib,bdsbib,coolbib,coplandbib,curt,dag,musdibib,fsaall,mfd,papr, aep,fine,dcm,cmns,flwpabib,afcreed,cowellbib,toddbib,lomaxbib,ngp,afcwwgbib,raelbib,gottlieb,mtj,alad,wpa,m al,scsm,mcc,mmorse,aipn,ncpm,ncpsbib,omhbib,pan,vv,wpapos,psbib,pin,presp,lhbprbib,qlt,ncr,relpet,dukesm, mussm,mesnbib,denn,amss,fpnas,svybib,runyon,wtc,detr,hlaw,lhbumbib,varstg,horyd,mgw,hawp,nawbib,suffrg, nfor Slide 6—Paul Revere’s House aeo,rbaapcbib,aasm,ftvbib,aaodyssey,hh,gottscho,mharendt,bbpix,bbcards,magbell,lbcoll,rbpebib,calbkbib,tccc,l hbcbbib,cwband,cwnyhs,gmd,cwar,cola,consrvbib,bdsbib,coolbib,coplandbib,curt,dag,musdibib,fsaall,mfd,papr, aep,fine,dcm,cmns,flwpabib,afcreed,cowellbib,toddbib,lomaxbib,ngp,afcwwgbib,raelbib,gottlieb,mtj,alad,wpa,m al,scsm,mcc,mmorse,aipn,ncpm,ncpsbib,omhbib,pan,vv,wpapos,psbib,pin,presp,lhbprbib,qlt,ncr,relpet,dukesm, mussm,mesnbib,denn,amss,fpnas,svybib,runyon,wtc,detr,hlaw,lhbumbib,varstg,horyd,mgw,hawp,nawbib,suffrg, nfor Slide 8—Map of Boston Area bin/ sid&style=armap&itemLink=D? gmd:1:./temp/~ammem_RVYv::&title=A+plan+of+the+town+and+harbour+of+Boston+