July 11 - September FFIEC Central Data Repository Bank Enrollment
2 Call Report Modernization Project The FDIC, FRB and the OCC have developed a new Central Data Repository (CDR) to receive, edit, store and distribute Call Report data. CDR Implementation is scheduled for use with 3 rd Quarter 2005 Call Reports. All banks that file FFIEC 031 or 041 Call Reports will need to “enroll” with the CDR prior to filing their first report. Enrollment period will run from July 11 – September 2, Enrollment Instructions were released via FIL FIL
3 Enrollment Schedule To ensure a smooth transition to reporting through the CDR, the enrollment process will be conducted in stages. Financial institutions will be assigned to specific enrollment windows according to the alphabetical order of the cities where their institutions are headquartered: A - B July C July D - F July G - J August K - M August N - Q August R - S August T - Z August 29 - September 2
4 Who should enroll? For security purposes, enrollment notifications will be sent to the Authorized Officer Signing the Reports (at the address provided on the March 31, 2005, Call Report). If this contact has changed or will be out of the office during your institution's enrollment window, please contact the FFIEC help desk for assistance.
5 Overview – First Steps Access CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDRCDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR If you have problems with this link, please copy the following text and paste it in your internet browser's window: CDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDRCDR.FFIEC.GOV/CDR Click on the LOGIN button
6 Request An Account Click on Request An Account
7 Delegated Site Administrator Click on the Enroll Here button next to Initial Delegated Site Administrator (DSA)
8 Delegated Site Administrator Initial enrollment of a Financial Institution must be completed by that Institution’s DSA. The DSA will also be responsible for determining access rights and entitlements for all subsequent users in their institution. Each institution’s DSA will be required to verify specific confidential information from their institution’s Call Report in order to enroll.
9 Enrollment Overview - DSA The steps to validate your identity are explained at the top of the page. You may wish to print this page for future reference. Enter your institution's ID RSSD (a look-up feature is provided) Enter the following confidential information from the March 31, 2005, Call Report in the required fields: USA PATRIOT Act Primary Contact Name USA PATRIOT Act Primary Contact Title USA PATRIOT Act Primary Contact Fax Number
10 Enrollment Validation The CDR validates the information provided and sends the Authorized Officer Signing the Reports a separate containing a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a URL link to the next enrollment screen in the CDR Receipt of the may be delayed due to server volume on either end. If the has not been received in a reasonable amount of time, we encourage you to check your bulk or spam folder and check with your internet service provider before contacting the CDR Help Desk.
11 Completing Enrollment Upon receipt of the , the Authorized Officer may then forward this information to another DSA or complete the enrollment process themselves as the DSA. To complete the enrollment process, the DSA clicks the link included in the message and will be required to enter: ID RSSD USA PATRIOT Act Primary Contact Fax Number System generated PIN Copy PIN from and Paste in required field to ensure accuracy The system will provide fields to collect user information for the first DSA account.
12 Post Enrollment The DSA will be required to complete a brief online Security Awareness Training to access the CDR. Once the account is created, the Authorized Officer and the DSA will receive s with Username and First and Last name of the user that created the account.
13 Online Help Documents The following help materials will be available via the Help button in the top right corner of each page of the CDR: Global Enrollment procedures New User Account Request procedures Reset Password Guidelines FAQs Glossary
14 Additional Information Additional information on the FFIEC Call Report Modernization project and the CDR are available at:
15 Help Desk Call Report Software Vendors are prepared to provide help enrolling institutions and the FFIEC has opened a toll-free Help Desk (M-F 9am-6pm Eastern): Phone: CDR-3111 Fax: