Woodson Track & Field “We Will Get As Our Works Deserve”
Contact Info. & Websites ( ) “There are two kinds of horses…show horses and work horses. If you want to get your name in the paper, be a show horse. If you want to earn the respect of your colleagues, be quiet and be a work horse.”
Carolyn Legard Relays Who was Carolyn Legard? Meet is here on Saturday, March 24 th. You will all have a job – this is our fundraiser! Freshmen & Sophomores will bring food for the coaches hospitality room You will be expected to be here from 8am – 5pm
General Expectations Respect the sport, your teammates, and coaches Be at all practices, meets and live up to your contract. Help each other become the best athlete you can be – encourage teammates and support them throughout the meets. Keep the stadium a clean, first class track facility – pick up water bottles and clothes after practice. Communicate with the coaches if you are struggling in school, track, or anything. Work hard in practice – don’t cut out on a distance run, loaf during a hard workout or quit a workout. Dress like a team to all meets – team attire is t-shirt, warm-ups, uniform.
After school – pre practice expectations Study hall in Coach Fronckel’s room (A-210) Work QUIETLY in the library Get help from a teacher Sit quietly in the C hallway by the gym – out of the way. BE AT THE TRACK BY 3:10pm – dressed and ready!
Academics Track does not replace time spent doing schoolwork – it replaces leisure time. Must keep grades acceptable to your parents Must pass 5 classes to remain eligible for next fall sports. Academic help/make-up work is expected to be completed after school and you should be at the track by 3:15pm – if you run over a bit, bring a pass.
Quitting / Retiring If you decide that track isn’t for you or there are other obligations you must attend to, please see Coach Fronckel during school or after school in room A-210. If you quit after next week, you will still be charged the $100 athletic fee by the county.
Equipment Good running shoes – everyday Long sleeve pants / shirt – everyday Layered clothing on cold and/or rainy days Water bottle (with your name on it) – everyday
Hurting vs. Injured You will all hurt! If you are injured, see your event coach first. If they feel it is necessary, they will send you to the trainer. If the trainer gives you treatment and tells you to come back – you must continue to see the trainer until she/he clears you. Get there first after school!
Goal Setting Goal setting is essential to being a successful athlete Make short term goals (1 month), intermediate goals (this season), and long term goals (end of high school career. Develop a plan on how you will reach those goals. We as coaches will work with you to help you achieve your goals. Make goals realistic and measurable Make goals for all areas of your life
Sportsmanship We will be the class of the Patriot District. Treat all athletes, officials, coaches the same way you would if your mother was standing next to you. Use yes sir/ma’am to officials and coaches. “Common courtesy is nothing more than a series of petty sacrifices”
Training Philosophy We use the overload principle. In order for the human body to get stronger, it must be subjected to stimulus (effort) greater than it is normally accustomed. In weight training, this is done by increasing the weight you lift. In track, this is accomplished by increasing the workout distance, increasing the intensity of a workout or by decreasing the rest between intervals.
Meet Schedule Field Events 1.4x800 relay 2.100/110 meter hurdles meter dash meter run 5.4x100 meter relay meter dash meter intermediate hurdles meter run meter dash meter run 11.4x400 meter relay
Lettering Policy Part 1: Must have positive overall character & remain in good standing with the team. Must treat all teammates, coaches, and officials with courtesy & respect Part 2: Must score 8 points during the season AND meet one of the minimum standards below. * Athletes who do not meet the points aspect but are a contributing member of the team at the Patriot District Championships may be lettered at the discretion of the coaching staff. W.T. Woodson Track and Field Minimum Lettering Requirements EVENT BOYS GIRLS 100 M DASH /110 M HURDLES M DASH M HURDLES M DASH54.01: M RUN2:102: M RUN4:495: M RUN10:4212:50 HIGH JUMP5’6”4’6” LONG JUMP19’14’8” SHOT PUT41’28’ DISCUS 110’85’ POLE VAULT10’8’ TRIPLE JUMP39’31’
Auto Qualifiers If you hit a district, regional, or state auto qualifying performance, you are guaranteed entry into that event. The only situation where you wouldn’t compete is if the coaches determine that you should do a different event where you have a better overall performance.
Upcoming Important Dates Tuesday, March 13 th : Team Pictures - 4:45pm (end of practice) in stadium – where your uniform Saturday, March 24 th : Legard Relays Wednesday, March 28 th : first quad meet
Patriot District Championships Held this year at Woodson – 2 nd year Everyone will have a job – 3:30pm – 7:30pm Wednesday, May Top 3 per event can be selected by coaches to compete at districts
Our Mission 1.We commit ourselves to reaching our full potential. We know that we “will get as our works deserve.” 2.We are committed to growing mentally and physically and we realize that we are students first and athletes second. We will personify CLASS and HUMILITY on and off the track. 3.We will respect the proud traditions of Woodson Track and Field and will build on that tradition for future years. 4.We accept the responsibility placed in our hands to represent Woodson High School across Northern Virginia and the entire state.
“ The man who succeeds above his fellows is the one who early in life clearly discerns his object, and towards that object habitually directs his power.” - Earl Nightengale