facebook William Penn is preparing to welcome dissenters and those seeking religious freedom in his new colony of Pennsylvania. Before ranting, try to quake a little. WallInfoWilliam PennYour Name Profile photo of William Penn Send William a message Poke William Wall Info Write something… Share Information Networks: Religious Society of Friends Birthday: October 14, 1644 Political: Patriot Religion: Quaker Hometown: Tower Hill, London Friends Hannah Duke GeorgeJohn George Fox to William Penn You are about to begin a colony west of New Jersey where you will provide religious freedom to all Christians. Bless you William. You are creating a holy experiment and I pray this works out for everyone. George Fox William Penn Thanks George, all the preaching I heard from you in England paid off. Duke of York to William Penn Glad the region I sold to you of Pennsylvania is being put to good use. You might want to consider creating a name for your capitol. Best of luck to you William. Lord John Berkeley to William Penn As the neighboring proprietor of the New Jersey colony, I can give you some more land for your rapidly expanding colony. William Penn Thank you Lord Berkeley. Sir George Carteret is helping to set up my elected assembly, a big step toward representative self government. Hannah Callowell Penn to William Penn Will women be able to be elected in your assembly? Could we name the capitol Philadelphia which means the city of brotherly love? King
Personal History facebook William Penn is preparing to welcome dissenters and those seeking religious freedom in his new colony of Pennsylvania. Before ranting, try to quake a little. WallInfoBenedict ArnoldLogout Profile Photo of William Wall Info Basic Information Information Networks: Religious Society of Friends Birthday: October 14, 1644 Political: Patriot Religion: Quaker Hometown: Tower Hill, London Networks: Religious Society of Friends Sex: Male Birthday: October 14, 1644 Hometown: Norwich, Connecticut Relationship Status: Married Hannah Callowill Penn Political Views: Patriot Religious Views: Quaker Activities: William Penn was born in London to a wealthy admiral in Penn joined the Quakers in 1665 and became an active preacher and writer of religious works. Quakers did not follow formal religious practices, dressed plainly and believed in the equality of men and women before God. Penn, like many Quakers supported non violence and religious tolerance for all people which shocked most Christians. Penn was aware Quakers were persecuted in both England and America. Penn was a major contributor to liberty in both the New World and Old World. Penn was a leading defender of religious toleration in England before he began the colony of Pennsylvania. With help from the proprietors of New Jersey, Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley, Penn established an elected assembly in Pennsylvania which limited his own power yet was an important example of representative self government in the New World.