Causes of the American Revolution September 3, 2014 Standard: SS8H3 – The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution.


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Presentation transcript:

Causes of the American Revolution September 3, 2014 Standard: SS8H3 – The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution

Remember… Georgia was now a ___________ colony, subject to the rule of the King of England (Great Britain) –George II had passed away, so his son, ____________________, was now king ____________________ sentiment was growing among some people in Georgia and the rest of the British colonies

The French and Indian War The war started as a result of ____________ that had been brewing between the _________________ for over 50 years The 2 main causes of the war were __________ for the most ___________ in the _________________ and the ___________ that one country would gain more ___________ than the other Both had alliances with many Native American tribes in North America

Beginnings of the French and Indian War The tension between the two countries increased when both claimed the ___________________ In ________, a young George Washington was sent to warn the ________________ to stop building forts there When those demands were ignored, Washington went again with ______________

The Siege of Fort Duquesne Washington went to ________________________, a French fort near present-day Pittsburgh He built his own fort called _____________________ Washington’s men attacked Fort Duquesne and the French ________________________ Later, the French __________________ Fort Necessity Washington was ______________________ and had to surrender The war had begun, and spread to _______________, where it was known as the ______________________

The War in America The British suffered several __________ losses in the colonies and in Europe However, in __________, the British were able to capture the French cities of _____________________________ (in present- day Canada) Washington attacked Fort Duquesne again in ___________________ and won The Ohio River Valley came under total _________________ control

The Treaty of Paris of 1763 The ___________________________ officially ended the French and Indian War As a result of the treaty, Georgia’s boundary was extended west to the _____________________ The British gained control of _______________ (previously French) All lands ____________ of the Mississippi River were opened to settlement ________________ became a British colony

The Proclamation of 1763 Even though the Treaty of Paris of 1763 opened up all lands east of the Mississippi River for colonization, King George III issued the __________________________ It stated that colonists could not move any farther _____________ than the _______________________ It also moved Georgia’s _______________ border to the _________________ Many colonists began _______________ to Georgia because of the larger area However, others in the colonies were ____________________ with the ban on open land past the Appalachians

Taxation by the British As a result of the French and Indian War, the British were left with a huge war ___________ They decided to ___________ the American colonists to cover those expenses

Stamp Act In ________, the British passed the __________________________________ This placed a tax on __________________________________ The colonists were not happy with this A Congress met in _______________ to speak against the Stamp Act Colonists in Georgia also came to together to speak against the Act It was ___________ a year later

Intolerable Acts To punish the colonies for the ___________________________________ –Among other things, the Acts closed the Port of Boston, which affected Massachusetts’ _______________________________ They were aimed at Massachusetts, but affected all colonies In _________, a _____________________ was organized to protest the Acts The Congress agreed to ___________ Great Britain and stop all _____________ with them

Anti-British Sentiment in Georgia Georgia _________ send a representative to the ____________________ because the colony was still _____________ on Britain for ________ However, in ______, a group of Georgians met to discuss their reaction to the Intolerable Acts They decided to send a ________ to Britain to demand the same _______ as people living in Britain (after all, they still considered themselves ________) In ______, a group met in Savannah to discuss unhappiness with Britain, but not much got done

The American Revolution Begins In 1775, British soldiers tried to capture ___________________ and seize ____________ from the colonists The Colonists were ________, however, by the famous ride of ___________ As the British soldiers arrived in ________________________, they were met by colonial militias A shot was fired, _________________________ and the Revolutionary War had started

Loyalists and Patriots During the Revolution, there were _________ groups of people in the colonies –______________ (Tories, British Royalists, or King’s Friends) were loyal to ________________________ –___________ (Whigs, Liberty Boys, Colonials) were those who were ready to _______________ with the King and Britain

Declaration of Independence Shortly after the war started, a group called the __________________________ met and wrote the Declaration of Independence It was approved on _____________________ It was mainly written by __________________, and divided into ________ parts It meant that the colonies were now one ____________, separate from the rule of Great Britain

The 3 Parts of the Declaration Part One: _________________ (Introduction) –Stated how the colonists felt about _____________ Part Two: ____________ (Complaints) –27 complaints against ________________________________ that led to the fight for ________________ Part Three: ________________ –Declared the colonies to be an independent _______________ for now and the future

Reaction in Georgia When the Declaration of Independence was read in Georgia, many were _____________________ –Many who were still _____________ to King George III decided to return to _______________________ Georgians began to prepare for war by sending ______________________ to the Continental Army

Questions: 1) What are the 2 main causes of the French and Indian War? 2) What area was disputed during the French and Indian War? 3) What was the name given to the war in Europe? 4) Which 2 cities did the British capture that signaled the end of the war? 5) What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do to Georgia’s boundary? 6) How did the British decide to deal with their war debt? 7) What was taxed under the Stamp Act? 8) Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? 9) What did Georgians decide to do in response to the Intolerable Acts? 10) Where was the “shot heard ‘round the world” fired? 11) What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? 12) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 13) Describe the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence. 14) How did Georgians react to the Declaration of Independence?

Questions: 1) What are the 2 main causes of the French and Indian War? 2) What area was disputed during the French and Indian War? 3) What was the name given to the war in Europe? 4) Which 2 cities did the British capture that signaled the end of the war? 5) What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do to Georgia’s boundary? 6) How did the British decide to deal with their war debt? 7) What was taxed under the Stamp Act? 8) Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? 9) What did Georgians decide to do in response to the Intolerable Acts? 10) Where was the “shot heard ‘round the world” fired? 11) What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? 12) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 13) Describe the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence. 14) How did Georgians react to the Declaration of Independence?

Questions: 1) What are the 2 main causes of the French and Indian War? 2) What area was disputed during the French and Indian War? 3) What was the name given to the war in Europe? 4) Which 2 cities did the British capture that signaled the end of the war? 5) What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do to Georgia’s boundary? 6) How did the British decide to deal with their war debt? 7) What was taxed under the Stamp Act? 8) Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? 9) What did Georgians decide to do in response to the Intolerable Acts? 10) Where was the “shot heard ‘round the world” fired? 11) What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? 12) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 13) Describe the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence. 14) How did Georgians react to the Declaration of Independence?

Questions: 1) What are the 2 main causes of the French and Indian War? 2) What area was disputed during the French and Indian War? 3) What was the name given to the war in Europe? 4) Which 2 cities did the British capture that signaled the end of the war? 5) What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do to Georgia’s boundary? 6) How did the British decide to deal with their war debt? 7) What was taxed under the Stamp Act? 8) Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? 9) What did Georgians decide to do in response to the Intolerable Acts? 10) Where was the “shot heard ‘round the world” fired? 11) What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? 12) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 13) Describe the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence. 14) How did Georgians react to the Declaration of Independence?

Questions: 1) What are the 2 main causes of the French and Indian War? 2) What area was disputed during the French and Indian War? 3) What was the name given to the war in Europe? 4) Which 2 cities did the British capture that signaled the end of the war? 5) What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do to Georgia’s boundary? 6) How did the British decide to deal with their war debt? 7) What was taxed under the Stamp Act? 8) Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? 9) What did Georgians decide to do in response to the Intolerable Acts? 10) Where was the “shot heard ‘round the world” fired? 11) What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? 12) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 13) Describe the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence. 14) How did Georgians react to the Declaration of Independence?

Questions: 1) What are the 2 main causes of the French and Indian War? 2) What area was disputed during the French and Indian War? 3) What was the name given to the war in Europe? 4) Which 2 cities did the British capture that signaled the end of the war? 5) What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 do to Georgia’s boundary? 6) How did the British decide to deal with their war debt? 7) What was taxed under the Stamp Act? 8) Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? 9) What did Georgians decide to do in response to the Intolerable Acts? 10) Where was the “shot heard ‘round the world” fired? 11) What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? 12) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 13) Describe the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence. 14) How did Georgians react to the Declaration of Independence?