Utilization and problems of blueberry species resources in China


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Presentation transcript:

Utilization and problems of blueberry species resources in China Prof. Hexin Wang Dalian University

Introduction history of blueberry in China 1. The earliest introduction of blueberries began in 1983, by the Jilin Agricultural University and the Nanjing Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and later a number of research institutes and universities and companies gradually introduced some blueberry species. 2. The introduction of the national total of about 230 various types of blueberry varieties. 3. Since the year of 2003, I have working in Dalian University, and have introduced 218 blueberry varieties, and saved 209 blueberry varieties.

Number of the introduced blueberry species in China Since the beginning of blueberry introduction in 1983, blueberry across the country has been the introduction of various varieties of approximately 230.

Type and number of the introduced blueberry species in China

我国蓝莓主要种植区西界 南高丛、兔眼蓝莓温室种植北界 ≥10℃积温3000以上区,可温室种植 南高丛、兔眼蓝莓露地种植北界 兔眼蓝莓种植南界 需冷量300小时线 需冷量150小时线 南高丛蓝莓种植南界

The currently major planted blueberry species Southern highbush blueberry 夏Sharpblue) 奥尼尔(O′Neal) 薄雾(Misty ) 海岸(Gulfcoast) 库帕(Cooper) 比洛克西(Biloxi) 玉兰(Magnolia) 阳光蓝(SunshineBlue) 蓝雨 (Bluerain;US388×Cara‘s Choice)

Northern highbush blueberry 蓝丰(Bluecrop) 公爵(Duke) 北陆(Northland) 布里吉塔(Brigitta) 蓝金(Bluegold) 莱格西(Legacy) 瑞卡(Reka) 伯克利(Berkeley) 埃利奥特(Elliott) 斯巴坦(Spartan) 伊丽莎白(Elizabeth) 晚蓝(Lateblue) 早蓝(Earliblue) 达柔(Darrow) 钱德勒(Chandler) 努益(Nui) 爱国者(Patriot) 蓝光(Blueray) 日出(Sunrise) 塞拉(Sierra) 蓝鸟(Bluejay) 纳尔逊(Nelson) 陶柔(Toro) 泽西(Jersey)

Rabbiteye blueberry 奥斯汀(Austin) 灿烂(Brightwell) 贝姬蓝(Beckyblue) 布莱特蓝(Briteblue) 巨丰(Delite) 艾丽丝蓝(Aliceblue) 乡铃(Homebell) 森吐里昂(Centurion) 精华(Choice) 南陆(Southland) 考斯特(Coastal) 灿烂(Brightwell) 顶峰(Climax) 粉蓝(Powderblue) 梯芙蓝(Tifblue) 园蓝Gardenblue) 杰兔(Premier) 芭尔德温(Baldwin) 蓝美人Bluebelle) 波尼塔(Bonita) 乌达德Woodard)

The planted proportion of northern highbush blueberry species in China

The planted proportion of southern highbush blueberry species in China

The planted proportion of rabbiteye blueberry species in China

Main problems Confusions of the blueberry species and seedling market; Different versions of the same species; Confusions of the marked species; Many sell names of the same species; A batch of seedlings consisted by several species; False information from seedling sellers; Misleading from some adjective specialist; Chinese characteristics "seedling base + planting base" development model; Currently, the market every year provide nearly 100 million seedlings, many are out of the old foreign breeds and mixed breeds; Different seedling quality and prices.

Main problems Blind introduction causes the failure on large-scale cultivation; No variety trials ; The selected species is not suitable for the planted region; Selected bad species.

Deformity flowers of Premier

The Brightwell species planted in the same planting base

Freezing of the northern blueberry

Heat injury on Sharpblue

Heat injury on Misty

Heat injury on O′Neal

Adverse of Gardenblue

Main problems Lack of independent intellectual property rights of varieties; There are no new varieties of our own intellectual property; Difficult to protect species.

Vaccinium fragile Franch

Vaccinium oldhami

Vaccinium bracteatum

日出(Sunrise) ×公爵(Duke)

Natural hybrid strains of lateblue

陶柔(Toro) ×公爵(Duke)

Natural hybrid strains of Gulfcoast

Thanks! 谢谢