10 things I’d LOVE about you cum se construieste o relatie online
web 2.0 ? cf wikipedia web 2.0= genuine interactivity = dialog = posibilitatea crearii unei relatii cu consumatorul
vrei sa ma cunosti. [nu, nu e o intrebare] Intreaba-ma lucruri importante, nu doar numele si adresa de !
vrei sa ma asculti? Daca ma asculti, poti sa transformi o experienta negativa intr-una pozitiva. [eu o sa povestesc oricum tuturor ce mi s-a intamplat!] Pepsi.ro – forumul folosit ca modalitate de a discuta cu consumatorii in promotia de fotbal Consumerist.com urmareste povestea unui client nemultumit de Apple
fii sincer! FLOG = fake blog AllIWantForXmasIsAPSP.com (Sony) autori: “Charlie” & “Jeremy” Where'd my comment go? I merely suggested that Elite Beat Agents would be a better game for people. This is retarded. As a gamer who is part of Sony's target audience I'm insulted not just by the integrity of this website, but that this reflects how intelligent Sony's marketing department thinks I am. Well done, your appalling standard of advertising has made it embarrassing to own one of your products. This fake cool vibe is as pathetic as an old uncle dancing to hip hop at a family wedding. How many consumers has this website activated so far? Activated or Pissed off and insulted? The funniest part is that they are speaking some kind of hip-hop-net-speak that nobody actually uses, at least nobody who would buy a PSP. Does some guy hi up in a sony office really think 'This is what kids think is cool!' Jesus... First...I better not get added to a mailing list for giving my address. Second...Sony...PLEASE stop trying to be 'hip'. Please START focusing on product and games and opening a REAL dialogue with your users to make your gaming products better.
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fii interesant! artofoffice.com discussions about using Mac Office, from tips & tricks to philosophies & big ideas. challenge me make me see things in a different way let me get involved
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uimeste-ma! Nu ma intreba ce vreau. Just wow me. takes you straight to (no standalone website!)
invata sa-ti pese! de lucrurile de care imi pasa si mie Pepsi USA demonstreaza ce face concret pentru mediul inconjurator ofera sfaturi da posibilitatea consumatorilor sa se implice
fii curajos! Smirnoff Tea Partay Cannes Cyber Lions – Gold Cyber Lion Dove Evolution Cannes Cyber Lions – Grand Prix VIRAL = transmis de la consumator la consumator Viral NU este sinonim cu ONLINE!
… si vom trai fericiti pana la adanci batraneti multumesc! :-)