JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Today’s Nucleonic Picture of Nuclei Kim Egiyan Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia and Jefferson Lab, USA
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Hofstadter's nucleonic picture of nucleus Single particles (SP) moving in an average field Electron elastic scattering off nuclei have been measured and nuclear radii R were obtained It was shown that R A 1/3 This was strong evidence that nuclei are composed from the SP, in other words, they are a bags with Fermi gas!! Nucleus e e/e/ q (low)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Other possible components HOWEVER Strong NN (attractive and repulsive) interaction should result in Short Range Correlation (SRC) 1.7f Nucleons Nucleus o = 0.17
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Other possible components HOWEVER Strong NN (attractive and repulsive) interaction should result in Short Range Correlation (SRC) 1.7f Nucleons Nucleus o = 0.17
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Other possible components HOWEVER Strong NN (attractive and repulsive) interaction should result in Short Range Correlation (SRC) So, nuclear Hamiltonian should include H = p 2 /2M + V 2 (r 1,r 2 ) + V 3 (r 1,r 2,r 3 ) + …. the correlation terms V i 1.7f Nucleons Nucleus o = 0.17
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Main problems Strong NN (attractive and repulsive) interaction should result in Short Range Correlation (SRC) Experimental problems should be addressed are: Relative fractions of SP and SRC phases Modification of nucleons in SRC Properties of super-dens matter in SRC 1.7f Nucleons Nucleus 1f o = 0.17 4 o
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Main topic of talk Strong NN (attractive and repulsive) interaction results in Short Range Correlation (SRC) Problems should be addressed are: Relative fractions of SP and SRC phases Modification of nucleons in SRC Properties of super-dens matter in SRC In this talk the only first topic will be discussed : Fractions of SP and SRC phases in nuclei 1.7f Nucleons Nucleus 1f o = 0.17 4 o
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Main topic of talk Strong NN (attractive and repulsive) interaction results in Short Range Correlation (SRC) Problems should be addressed are: Relative fractions of SP and SRC phases Modification of nucleons in SRC Properties of super-dens matter in SRC In this talk the only first topic will be discussed : Fractions of SP and SRC phases in nuclei What we know about SP and SRC? 1.7f Nucleus 1f
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 1. Evidence for NON-single particle states - Spectroscopic factor In first generation of A(e,e’p)A-1 measurements the S(E i,p i ) – spectral function – the probability a finding nucleon in nuclei with momentum p i and removal energy E i has been extracted Nucleus e e/e/ q p pipi
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 1. Evidence for NON-single particle states - Spectroscopic factor In first generation of A(e,e’p)A-1 measurements the S(E i,p i ) – spectral function – the probability a finding nucleon in nuclei with momentum p i and removal energy E i has been extracted It was found that integral (Spectroscopic factor) SP fractions is ≠ 1 Is SRC fraction 30%?? Measured results depend on integration limits SRC contribution is not excluded (estimated) FSI can affect on results These results are impotent: they show the expected size of SRC contribution ( %) Nucleus Z ≡ 4 ∫ S(E i,p i )dE i dp i ≠ 1 ( 0.7) e e/e/ q p ε F,p F pipi Z
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan What is needed? In first generation of A(e,e’p)A-1 measurements the S(E i,p i ) – spectral function – the probability a finding nucleon in nuclei with momentum p i and removal energy E i has been extracted It was found that integral (Spectroscopic factor) SP fractions is ≠ 1 Is SRC fraction 30%?? Measured results depend on integration limits SRC contribution is not excluded (estimated) FSI can affect on results These results are impotent: they show the expected size of SRC contribution ( %) Nucleus Z ≡ 4 ∫ S(E i,p i )dE i dp i ≠ 1 ( 0.7) e e/e/ q ε F,p F To measure SRC fraction 1.the direct interaction reactions should be used, 2.at higher energy and momentum transfers (to resolve SRCs)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 2. Hall C attempt for direct SRC measurement with (e,e’p) To suppress SP contributions the parallel kinematics was used Nucleus To resolve SRC, q ≥ 1 GeV/c (D.Rohe et al., PRL 93: (2004)) e e/e/ q p
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 2. Hall C attempt for direct SRC measurement with (e,e’p) To suppress SP contributions the parallel kinematics was used S(p m,E m ) – spectral function was constricted as S(p m,E m ) = d exp (A)/d theor (eN / ) Certain domain in (p m,E m ) plain was chosen, where SP impact expected to be small In that particular region and for only 12 C nucleus the 10% SRC involvement for protons has been obtained However, the total number (probability) of SRC have not been found Many unclear corrections-assumptions have been made (FSI, transparency, off-shell (eN / ) cross section, SP impact, p m =p i, etc) Nucleus To resolve SRC, q ≥ 1 GeV/c (D.Rohe et al., PRL 93: (2004)) e e/e/ q p
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 3. Measurement of 2N SRC relative strength in (p,2p+n) reaction (EVA/BNL) In final state the p 1, p 2 and n were detected p i and γ were calculated SP contribution was suppressed using the scaling behavior of NN interaction cross section As a signature of 2N SRC the γ > 90 o and p n > p F cuts have been used Nucleus p p1p1 q p2p2 n γ pipi A. Tang, et al., PRL 90, (2003)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 3. Measurement of 2N SRC relative strength in (p,2p+n) reaction (EVA/BNL) In final state the p 1, p 2 and n were detected p i and γ were calculated SP contribution was suppressed using the scaling behavior of NN interaction cross section As a signature of 2N SRC the γ > 90 o and p n > p F cuts have been used Was found that for cosγ < 0 F(pn/NN) = = 0.49 ±0.12 Main conclusions are: For 12 C nucleus SRCs were directly “seen” The ratio of isotopic configurations (pn)/[(pn)+(pp)] is measured (if correct for neutron transparency) Nucleus p p1p1 q p2p2 n γ pipi N[(2pn(p n >p F )] N[2p]
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 4. 2N SRC momentum distribution measurement in 3 He(e,e’pp)n; Hall-B Detection of 2 protons in final state provides a full kinematics By certain kinematical cuts the 2N SRCs [(np) and (pp)] have been separated 3 He e e1e1 q p2p2 n p1p1 R.Niazov, L. Weinstein, PRL;92:052303, 2004 (c.m.) Q 2 1 GeV 2
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan 4. 2N SRC momentum distribution measurement in 3 He(e,e’pp)n; Hall-B Detection of 2 protons in final state provides a full kinematics By certain kinematical cuts the 2N SRCs [(np) and (pp)] have been separated Two type important information was extracted: Momentum distributions of nucleons in SRC Momentum distribution of SRC (c.m.) itself New data at are in analyzing No information on strength (probabilities) of SRC are available 3 He e e1e1 q p2p2 n p1p1 R.Niazov, L. Weinstein, PRL;92:052303, 2004 (c.m.) Q 2 1 GeV 2 Q 2 3 GeV 2 Cross sec, fb/MeV + FSI (c.m.)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan These are, up to date, the published experimental data on SRC We know about at least two experiments, ready to present a new data From FermiLab by J. Peterson, who is planning to visit us and present data obtained with very high proton beam energies, and nuclei up to Pb Hall A (e,e’p+n) experiment (D. Higinbotham, E. Piasetzky), measurements are finished, data are in an analyzing stage However, probably, best way to measure the strengths of SRC is an inclusive electron scattering
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measuring the SRC probabilities with inclusive A(e,e’) scattering There is good opportunity to measure the strengths of SRCs, Using the electron inclusive scattering on nuclei at high Q 2 and large x B =Q 2 /2Mν Nucleus e e’ q Back to Hofstadter! but with higher momentum transfer allowing to “look” Inside the nucleus
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measuring the SRC probabilities with inclusive A(e,e’) scattering There is good opportunity to measure the strengths of SRCs, Using the electron inclusive scattering on nuclei at high Q 2 and large x B =Q 2 /2Mν Inclusive scattering has a great advantage: FSI can be excluded (see below) However there is a big problem Separation of (e,SRC) interaction from scattering off single nucleons Nucleus e e’ q Back to Hofstadter! but with higher momentum transfer allowing to “look” Inside the nucleus
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Separation of (e,SRC) scattering reaction Nucleus e e/e/ q SRC A-2 e e/e/ SRC q A The reaction we are searching for is
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Separation of (e,SRC) scattering reaction Selection of (e,SRC) scattering from the large backgrounds: Inelastic (eN) scattering (a) Quasielastic scattering (b) Nucleus e e/e/ q SRC A-1 A e e/e/ A-2 e e/e/ SRC q q A pipi A e q pipi The reaction we are searching for is a) b) A-1 With backgrounds
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Separation of (e,SRC) scattering reaction Selection of (e,SRC) scattering from the large backgrounds: Inelastic (eN) scattering (a) Quasielastic scattering (b) Nucleus e e/e/ q SRC A-1 A e e/e/ A-2 e e/e/ SRC q q A pipi A e q pipi a) b) A-1 x B >1.2 The reaction we are searching for is
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Separation of (e,SRC) scattering reaction Selection of (e,SRC) scattering from the large backgrounds: Inelastic (eN) scattering (a) Quasielastic scattering (b) Nucleus e e/e/ q SRC A-1 A e e/e/ A-2 e e/e/ SRC q q A pipi A e q pipi a) b) A-1 x B >1.2 p min The reaction we are searching for is
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Separation of (e,SRC) scattering reaction Selection of (e,SRC) scattering from the large backgrounds: Inelastic (eN) scattering (a) Quasielastic scattering (b) Nucleus e e/e/ q SRC A-1 A e e/e/ A-2 e e/e/ SRC q q A pipi A e q pipi The reaction we are using is a) b) A-1 x B >1.2 p min p i > p min
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Separation of (e,SRC) scattering reaction Selection of (e,SRC) scattering from the large backgrounds: Inelastic (eN) scattering (a) Quasielastic scattering (b) Nucleus e e/e/ q SRC A-1 A e e/e/ A-2 e e/e/ SRC q q A pipi A e q pipi a) b) A-1 x B >1.2 p min p i > p min P min should be found The reaction we are searching for is
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Obtaining of SRC dominant momentum region Use the high momentum WF similarity for all nuclei to obtain the onset value of p min starting from which SRCs dominate
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Obtaining of SRC dominant momentum region Use the high momentum WF similarity for all nuclei to obtain the onset value of p min starting from which SRCs dominate Ratios of cross section from two nuclei should scale starting from p min, where SP contribution in WF is negligible and SRC component dominates SRC region p min
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Obtain the SRC dominant region in corresponding (Q 2, x B ) space Use the high momentum WF similarity for all nuclei to obtain the onset value of p min starting from which SRCs dominate Ratios of cross section from two nuclei should scale starting from p min, where SP contribution in WF is negligible and SRC component dominates For A(e,e’) scattering off SP any combination of measured Q 2 and x B allows to calculate the p min = p min (Q 2, x B ) SRC region p min pipi -p i A-1 e e/e/ q
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Obtain the SRC dominant region in corresponding (Q 2, x B ) space Use the high momentum WF similarity for all nuclei to obtain the onset value of p min starting from which SRCs dominate Ratios of cross section from two nuclei should scale starting from p min, where SP contribution in WF is negligible and SRC component dominates For A(e,e’) scattering off SP any combination of measured Q 2 and x B allows to calculate the p min = p min (Q 2, x B ) Ratios of cross section from two nuclei should scale at corresponding (Q 2, x B ) combination SRC region p min Francfurt, Strikman, PR, ’81;’88
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Use A(e,e’) cross section ratios to measure SRC probabilities Use the high momentum WF similarity for all nuclei to obtain the onset value of p min starting from which SRCs dominate, Ratios of cross section from two nuclei should scale starting from p min, where SP contribution in WF is negligible and SRC component dominates For A(e,e’) scattering off SP any combination of measured Q 2 and x B allows to calculate the p min = p min (Q 2, x B ) Ratios of cross section from two nuclei should scale at corresponding (Q 2, x B ) combination In SRC model the scaling factor (SF) indicate the ratio of SRC probabilities a 2N (A 1 ) and a 2N (A 2 ) in nuclei A 1 and A 2 : SF = a 2 (A 1 /A 2 ) = SRC region a 2N (A 1 ) a 2N (A 2 ) SF p min Francfurt, Strikman, PR, ’81;’88
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan To check this idea SLAC existing data were reanalyzed The old SLAC data were analyzed A/D ratios were extracted for A=4,12, 27, 56 Evidence for scaling is obvious Scaling factors were used to estimate 2-nucleon SRC probabilities in nuclei A relative to D Frankfurt,Strikman,Day, Sargsian, Phys.Rev. C ‘93
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan To check this idea SLAC existing data were reanalyzed The old SLAC data were analyzed A/D ratios were extracted for A=4,12, 27, 56 Evidence for scaling is obvious Scaling factors were used to estimate 2-nucleon SRC probabilities in nuclei A relative to D However Data for nuclei A and for D were measured in large difference of kinematics, the theoretical calculation were used to obtain data at the same Q 2 and x B for heavy nuclei and D Absolute probabilities were no able to obtain x B interval used was limited (<1.6) Systematic and dedicated measurements are needed Frankfurt,Strikman,Day, Sargsian, Phys.Rev. C ‘93
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Final State Interaction in (e,SRC) Scattering Struck nucleon interacts with other nucleon(s) from the same SRC This interaction is much stronger since relative momenta are smaller and they are spatially closer Interaction of nucleons with nucleons from the A-2 residual This interaction is much weaker since relative momenta are larger and they are spatially more separated FSI is primarily localized in SRC A A-1 NiNi NfNf e e/e/ q NiNi e e/e/ q SRC FSIs
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan More localization of Final State Interaction in SRC In QM there is some distance (r) where FSI still can affect on (e,N i ) interaction. At Q 2 > 1.5 GeV 2 and x B > 1.3 the maximum value r is < 1fm. Since R SRC r, the FSI of nucleons from the same SRC only can affect on cross section in (q,N i ) vertex! Great advantage of ratio technique we are using is that, due to the this localization of FSI in SRC, it’s effect will cancel!! FSSD-Phys.Rev.C’93 A NiNi e e/e/ q r r max (fm) Q 2 (GeV 2 ) SRC A A-1 NiNi NfNf e e/e/ q NiNi e e/e/ q SRC FSIs
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Our experiment Experiment has been performed at JLab with CLAS detector at beam energy 4.46 and 4.7 GeV at E2 Run As a nucleus A 2 we choose 3 He with well known wave function, as a nucleus A He, 12 C, 56 Fe A(e,e’) inclusive reaction was measured Standard fiducial cuts and momentum corrections were applied x B – dependences of per-nucleon cross section ratios for nuclei 4 He, 12 C, 56 Fe and 3 He were constructed in Q 2 = GeV 2 range, at x B at > 0.8 Obtained ratios (or cross sections) were corrected on Acceptances Radiative effects Energy small difference - contamination
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measured ratios of per-nucleon cross sections at Q 2 >1.4 GeV 2 and x B <2
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measured ratios of per-nucleon cross sections at Q 2 >1.4 GeV 2 and x B <2 r(A/ 3 He) = K(Q 2 ) 3 A (Q 2,x B ) A He3 (Q 2,x B ) K(Q 2 ) = A(2 p + n ) 3(Z p +N n ) where and takes into account the difference between (ep) and (en) cross sections For our Q 2 range K(Q 2 ) = 1.14 for 4 He and 12 C and = 1.18 for 56 Fe
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measured ratios of per-nucleon cross sections at Q 2 >1.4 GeV 2 and x B <2 Scaling exist; Observation 1 Hypotheses of Wave Function similarity in high momentum region for all nuclei Is correct see also (Francfurt, Strikman, Day, Sargsyan, PRC, 1993) (Egiyan et al., PRC, 2003)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measured ratios of per-nucleon cross sections at Q 2 >1.4 GeV 2 and x B <2 Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Observation 1 SF Observation 2
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measured ratios of per-nucleon cross sections at Q 2 >1.4 GeV 2 and x B <2 Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Observation 1 SF Observation 2 In SRC model the measured scaling factors are just a ratios of 2-nucleon SRC probabilities in nucleus A and 3 He
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC relative probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Observation 1 SF a 2N ( 4 He) a 2N ( 3 He) =1.93 ±0.02±0.14 a 2N ( 12 C) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.41 ±0.02±0.17 a 2N ( 56 Fe) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.83 ±0.03±0.18 Observation 2
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Comparison with SRC model calculations Comparison of the experimental x B – dependences of per-nucleon cross section ratios with theoretical once calculated at several values of Q 2 in Q 2 >1.4 GeV 2 region (M. Sargsian’s code) The agreement is very well, if take into account 10% systematic uncertainties both in theory and in experiment,
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC relative probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Observation 1 SF a 2N ( 4 He) a 2N ( 3 He) =1.93 ±0.02±0.14 a 2N ( 12 C) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.41 ±0.02±0.17 a 2N ( 56 Fe) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.83 ±0.03±0.18 Observation 2 Theoretical expectations SRC QCM Den/ratio (F-S) (Vary) (Forest)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC relative probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Observation 1 SF a 2N ( 4 He) a 2N ( 3 He) =1.93 ±0.02±0.14 a 2N ( 12 C) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.41 ±0.02±0.17 a 2N ( 56 Fe) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.83 ±0.03±0.18 Observation 2 Thus, Chances for every nucleon in 4 He, 12 C and 56 Fe to be involved in 2N SRC are 1.93, 2.41 and 2.83 times larger than in 3 He
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Scaling onsets (SO) are measured Observation 1 SF SO a 2N ( 4 He) a 2N ( 3 He) =1.93 ±0.02±0.14 a 2N ( 12 C) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.41 ±0.02±0.17 a 2N ( 56 Fe) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.83 ±0.03±0.18 Observation 2 Observation 3
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Scaling onsets (SO) are measured Observation 1 SF SO a 2N ( 4 He) a 2N ( 3 He) =1.93 ±0.02±0.14 a 2N ( 12 C) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.41 ±0.02±0.17 a 2N ( 56 Fe) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.83 ±0.03±0.18 Observation 2 Observation 3 SO measurement allows to find a 2N ( 3 He) using the wave functions of 3 He and Deuterium
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Calculation of a 2N ( 3 He) using 3 He and 2 H wave functions a 2N ( 3 He) = x a 2N ( 2 H) a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) SF
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Calculation of a 2N ( 3 He) using 3 He and 2 H wave functions a 2N ( 3 He) = x a 2N ( 2 H) From the calculated ratio r( 3 He/ 2 H) SF = = 2 ± 0.1 And a 2N ( 3 He) = (2 ± 0.1) x a 2N ( 2 H) a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) SF
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Calculation of a 2N ( 3 He) using 3 He and 2 H wave functions a 2N ( 3 He) = x a 2N ( 2 H) From the calculated ratio r( 3 He/ 2 H) SF = = 2 ± 0.1 And a 2N ( 3 He) = (2 ± 0.1) x a 2N ( 2 H) To calculate a 2N ( 2 H) we use 2 H Wave Function Measured p min (Q 2 onset,x B onset ) =275±25 MeV Integral over deuterium wave function in p i > p min region is just a 2N ( 2 H) Thus, definition of SRC is - the relative momentum of nucleons in SRC > 275 MeV/c a 2N ( 2 H) = ± a 2N ( 3 He) = ± p min (4.+0.8)% Deuterium Wave Function a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) SF
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Scaling onsets (SO) are measured Observation 1 SF SO a 2N ( 4 He) a 2N ( 3 He) =1.93 ±0.02±0.14 a 2N ( 12 C) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.41 ±0.02±0.17 a 2N ( 56 Fe) a 2N ( 3 He) =2.83 ±0.03±0.18 = Observation 2 Observation 3
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Scaling onsets (SO) are measured Observation 1 SF SO a 2N ( 4 He) = 0.154± 0.002±0.033 a 2N ( 12 C) = ±0.002±0.041 a 2N ( 56 Fe) = 0.23 ±0.002±0.047 Observation 2 Observation 3
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Scaling onsets (SO) are measured Observation 1 SF SO a 2N ( 4 He) = 0.154± 0.002±0.033 a 2N ( 12 C) = ±0.002±0.041 a 2N ( 56 Fe) = 0.23 ±0.002±0.047 Observation 2 Observation 3 Every nucleon in nuclei 3 He, 4 He, 12 C and 56 Fe 8%, 15.4%, 19.3% and 23% of its life-time is “living” In SRC state with other nucleon
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 2-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Scaling exist; Scaling factors (SF) are measured; Scaling onsets (SO) are measured Observation 1 SF SO a 2N ( 4 He) = 0.154± 0.002±0.033 a 2N ( 12 C) = ±0.002±0.041 a 2N ( 56 Fe) = 0.23 ±0.002±0.047 Observation 2 Observation 3 In other words At any moment, in nuclei 3 He, 4 He, 12 C and 56 Fe can be obtained, respectively, 0.12, 0.30, 1.14 and nucleon SRCs
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan In other words In any moment in 12 C one can be seen one 2N SRC While in any moment in 56 Fe one can exist six 2N SRC 56 Fe 12 C
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan We measure directly a 2-nucleon SRC numbers (probabilities) Single particle (%) 2N SRC (%)3N(and moreN) SRC (%) 56 Fe ???? 23.0 ± 0.2 ± 4.7 ???? 12 C ???? 19.3 ± 0.2 ± 4.1 ???? 4 He ???? 15.4 ± 0.2 ± 3.3 ???? 3 He ???? 8.0 ± H 95.9 ± ± But it is still not enough to know a full nucleonic picture of nuclei Fractions Nucleus We need to measure 3-and-more-nucleonic SRC fraction
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Importance of measurements at x B > 2 Is not only to get the data on 3-nucleon SRC But also to prove the interpretations of obtained data at x B < 2 by the SRC model SRC model predicts: Existence of “positive” step in x B – dependence of cross section ratios at 2<x B <3, due to the proportionality of a JN to the J th power of nuclear density (J is order of SRC) a jN ∫ J A (r)dr The step should increase with A We measure the cross section ratios at 2 < x B < 3, for the first time
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan x B 1.4 GeV 2 and x B <3
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan x B 1.4 GeV 2 and x B < 3 Observation 1 2 nd Scaling exist; Existence of step (second scaling level) Is very strong argument for SRC model
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan x B 1.4 GeV 2 and x B < 3 Observation 1Observation 2 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; SF
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan x B 1.4 GeV 2 and x B < 3 Observation 1Observation 2 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; SF In SRC model the measured scaling factors are just a ratios of 3-nucleon SRC probabilities in nucleus A and 3 He
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC relative probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; SF a 3N ( 4 He) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 12 C) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 56 Fe) a 3N ( 3 He) = 2.33 ±0.12±0.19 = 3.05±0.14±0.22 = 4.38±0.18±0.33
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC relative probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; SF a 3N ( 4 He) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 12 C) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 56 Fe) a 3N ( 3 He) = 2.33 ±0.12±0.19 = 3.05±0.14±0.22 = 4.38±0.18±0.33 Chances for every nucleon in 4 He, 12 C and 56 Fe to be involved in 3N SRC are 2.33, 3.05 and 4.38 times larger than in 3 He itself
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 Observation 3 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; 2nd Scaling onsets (SO) are measured SF a 3N ( 4 He) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 12 C) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 56 Fe) a 3N ( 3 He) = 2.33 ±0.12±0.19 =3.05±0.14±0.22 = 4.38±0.18±0.33 SO
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 Observation 3 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; 2nd Scaling onsets (SO) are measured SF a 3N ( 4 He) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 12 C) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 56 Fe) a 3N ( 3 He) = 2.33 ±0.12±0.19 =3.05±0.14±0.22 = 4.38±0.18±0.33 SO Measurement of SO allows to calculate the a 3N ( 3 He) using the 3 He wave function
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 Observation 3 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; 2nd Scaling onsets (SO) are measured SF a 3N ( 4 He) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 12 C) a 3N ( 3 He) a 3N ( 56 Fe) a 3N ( 3 He) = 2.33 ±0.12±0.19 =3.05±0.14±0.22 = 4.38±0.18±0.33 SO = ± (M. Sargsyan’s calculations)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 Observation 3 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; 2nd Scaling onsets (SO) are measured SF SO a 3N ( 4 He)= 0.42 ±0.02±0.14 (%) a 3N ( 12 C)= 0.55 ±0.03±0.18 a 3N ( 56 Fe)= 0.79 ±0.03±0.25
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Measurement of 3-Nuclon SRC absolute probabilities Observation 1Observation 2 Observation 3 2 nd Scaling exist; 2nd Scaling factors (SF) are measured; 2nd Scaling onsets (SO) are measured SF SO a 3N ( 4 He)= 0.42 ±0.02±0.14 (%) a 3N ( 12 C)= 0.55 ±0.03±0.18 a 3N ( 56 Fe)= 0.79 ±0.03±0.25 Per-nucleon probabilities of 3N SRC are smaller then the same probabilities of 2N SRC more the one order of magnitude
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Having these data, we know almost full ( 99%) nucleonic picture of nuclei with A 56 Single particle (%) 2N SRC (%) 3N SRC (%) 56 Fe 76 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.03 ± C 80 ± 02 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.03 ± He 86 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.02 ± He 92 ± ± ± H 96 ± ± Fractions Nucleus
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Comparisons with some theoretical predictions on SRC probabilities Single particle (%) 2N SRC (%) 3N SRC (%) 56 Fe 23.0 ± ± C 19.3 ± ± He 15.4 ± ± He 8.0 ± ± H 4.0 ± Fractions Nucleus Exp SRC Fe/C= 1.43 ±0.15 Fe/C = SRC model SRC predictions are remarkably close to experiment
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Comparisons with some theoretical predictions on SRC probabilities Single particle (%) 2N SRC (%) 3N SRC (%) 56 Fe 23.0 ± ± C 19.3 ± ± He 15.4 ± ± He 8.0 ± ± H 4.0 ± Fractions Nucleus Exp SRC QCM Fe/C= 1.43 ±0.15 Fe/C = SRC model 2. QCM model In QCM => Quark-Cluster-Model (unrealistic model in our Q 2 range) 2N SRC ===> 6q Bag; 3N SRC ===> 9q Bag QCM predictions for 2N SRC are close to experiment, while for 3N SRC almost 10 times are higher
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Having these data, we know almost full ( 99%) nucleonic picture of nuclei with A 56 Single particle (%) 2N SRC (%) 3N SRC (%) 56 Fe 76 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.03 ± C 80 ± 02 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.03 ± He 86 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.02 ± He 92 ± ± ± H 96 ± ± Fractions Nucleus The similar data for heavier (A>56) nuclei is important, Hall C data will be available soon (J.Arrington et al.,)
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan SUMMARY Existing experimental date indicate the presence of SRCs in nuclei, however, there are no “exact” measurements of their probabilities Inclusive A(e,e’) scattering is effective tool for these type measurements The ratios of per-nucleon cross sections of A(e,e’) reaction for nuclei with A = 4,12, 56 and 3 He are measured in GeV 2 Two scaling regions - at are observed Using the measured scaling factors, in the framework of SRC model, the 2- and 3- nucleon SRC per-nucleon probabilities in nuclei with A=4,12, 56 relative to 3 He are extracted Using the measured onsets of scaling regions, combined with the known WF of 3 He and Deuterium, the absolute per-nucleon probabilities of 2- and 3- nucleon SRC are estimated In the framework of SRC model the nucleonic picture of nuclei with A 56 is established
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Supporting Slides
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Having these data, we know almost full ( 99%) nucleonic picture of nuclei with A 56 Single particle (%) 2N SRC (%) 3N SRC (%) 56 Fe 76 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.03 ± C 80 ± 02 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.03 ± He 86 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.2 ± ± 0.02 ± He 92 ± ± ± H 96 ± ± Fractions Nucleus Using the published data on (p,2p+n) [PRL,90 (2003) ] estimate the isotopic composition of 2N SRC in 12 C a pp ( 12 C) 4 ± 2 % a 2N ( 12 C) 20 ± 0.2 ± 4.1 % a pn ( 12 C) 12 ± 4 % a nn ( 12 C) 4 ± 2 %
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan The Ratios at 1<x B <2; Observation of Scaling Analyze the ratio as a function of Q 2 and x B K takes into account differences between (e,p) and (e,n) elastic cross sections. In our Q 2 region K=1.14 and 1.18 for 12 C and 56 Fe respectively Ratios SCALE at Q 2 > 1.4 GeV 2 Onset of scaling is at x B ≥ 1.5 Scaling vanishes at low Q 2 Shown results are for 56 Fe Results for 12 C and 4 He are similar
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Q 2 scaling of relative probabilities a 2 and a 3 in Q 2 = 1.4 – 2.6 GeV 2 region
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Calculation of a 2N ( 3 He) using 3 He and 2 H wave functions a 2N ( 3 He) = x a 2N ( 2 H) From the calculated ratio r( 3 He/ 2 H) SF = = 2 ± 0.1 And a 2N ( 3 He) = (2 ± 0.1) x a 2N ( 2 H) a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) a 2N ( 3 He) a 2N ( 2 H) SF
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Contributing diagrams in 2<x B <3 region Three states can contribute: 3-nucleon SRCs in “2-body” and “Star” configurations, 2-nucleon SRC, due to the c.m. motion In x B > 2 region “2 - Body” configuration of 3-nucleon SRC dominates ( M.Sargsian et al., PRC 71, (2005) ) Experiment shows that 2-nucleon SRC contribution is significant in 2 < x B < 2.25 region p -p 2N - SRC p p p p -p 2p 3N - SRC “Star”“2- Body”
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Contributing diagrams in 2<x B <3 region Three states can contribute: 3-nucleon SRCs in “2-body” and “Star” configurations, 2-nucleon SRC, due to the c.m. motion In x B > 2 region “2 - Body” configuration of 3-nucleon SRC dominates ( M.Sargsian et al., PRC 71, (2005) ) Experiment shows that 2-nucleon SRC contribution is significant in 2 < x B < 2.25 region only At x B > 2.25 (p min > 500 MeV/c) only “2 - Body” configuration is contributing p -p 2N - SRC p p p p -p 2p 3N - SRC “Star”“2- Body”
JLab_Phys_Semin_Dec05 K. Egiyan Radiative Corrections 56 Fe 12 C 4 He 56 Fe 12 C 4 He 3 He