Illinois Brand Study 2014 LINDA OWENS & SOWMYA ANAND SURVEY RESEARCH LABORATORY University of Illinois at Chicago
Study Methodology 2 Study Populations Alumni of Illinois Parents of Illinois students Residents of Cook, DuPage, and Lake Counties in Illinois Methods Three separate online questionnaires invitations to alumni and parents Letter invitation to IL residents to complete online
Response Rates 3 Total in sample Total s or mail delivered# completedResponse rate Alumni parents4,6593,4191, % Non-alumni parents11,6238,3962, % Chicago alums5,9855, % Other alums3,9903, % IL residents4,0043, % Overall response rate 24%
Questionnaire 4 Number of questions varied by group Ratings on 5-point scales and some 3-point scales Select one or multiple from list Open-end questions Can group items into 6 main themes Connection to Illinois Value of an Illinois education Quality of an Illinois education How well Illinois reaches out to alumni/parents/residents Sources of information about the university Attitudes and intentions regarding giving
Questionnaire 5 Examples Connection to Illinois How often do you attend events held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign? At this time, how strong is your connection to the university? Value of an Illinois education How would you evaluate the value for money you get from the educational programs & services provided by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign? Quality of an Illinois education How well does the education provided by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign train students for a specific career or profession?
Questionnaire 6 Examples How well Illinois reaches out to alumni/parents/residents How much does the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign value its relationship with alumni/parents/residents? How close a connection does the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign maintain with alumni/parents/residents? Sources of information about the university How much information do you get about what is happening at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign? In the past 3 months, have you seen any advertisements featuring the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign? Attitudes and intentions regarding giving Of the following, which motivates you the most to make a charitable gift to the university? In the next 5 years, how likely are you to make a financial contribution to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign?
Alumni Results R 2 = 0.290, F (5, n = 1,315) = , p < Alumni who feel connected more likely to intend to make a financial contribution in the next five years 7 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients tSig. BStd. ErrorBeta (Constant)– – Connect Value Change since R attended Outreach Age
Alumni Results Feeling connected also strongly associated with past contributions 8 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients tSig. BStd. ErrorBeta (Constant)– – Connect Quality Change since R attended Respondent age R 2 = 0.173, F (4, n = 1,308) = , p <
Alumni Results Unfortunately, connection to Illinois is not very strong 9 Not strong at all (1) Slightly strong (2) Moderately strong (3) Very strong (4) Extremely strong (5)Total At this time, how strong is your connection to the university? , %28.4%26.0%11.5%4.5% 100.0% Mean 2.3
Alumni Results 10 NortheastMidwestSouthWest Not strong at all (1) %27.1%38.0%31.0% Slightly strong (2) %28.3%27.3%32.7% Moderately strong (3) %26.4%24.8%27.4% Very strong (4) %12.6%9.1%7.1% Extremely strong (5) %5.5%0.8%1.8% Total 531, % Mean χ 2 (12, n = 1,335) = , p = At this time, how strong is your connection to the university?
Alumni Results However, there is opportunity to strengthen alumni connections 11 Decrease greatly/ somewhat (1) Stay the same (2) Increase somewhat (3) Increase greatly (4)Total Would you like your current level of connection to the university to increase, decrease, or stay the same in the future? , %39.5%46.9%10.4% 100.0% Mean 2.6
Alumni Results 12 ChicagolandElsewhere Decrease greatly/somewhat (1) %3.5% Stay the same (2) %47.1% Increase somewhat (3) %41.5% Increase greatly (4) %7.9% Total % Mean χ 2 (3, n = 1,311) = , p = Would you like your current level of connection to the university to increase, decrease, or stay the same in the future? Chicagoland based alumni would like to increase connection
Alumni Results 13 How Much the University Values Its Relationship with Alumni χ 2 (3, n = 1,335) = 9.237, p = But, Chicagoland based alumni also have less positive perceptions ChicagolandElsewhere Not at all (1) %2.2% A little (2) %13.3% A moderate amount (3) %33.0% A lot (4) %38.4% A great deal (5) %13.1% Total % Mean3.33.5
Alumni Results 14 ChicagolandElsewhere Not well at all (1) %1.4% Slightly well (2) %4.8% Moderately well (3) %20.4% Very well (4) %47.2% Extremely well (5) %26.2% Total % Mean χ 2 (4, n = 1,415) = , p = How Well “World-Class Educational Institution” Describes the University
Alumni Results 15 ChicagolandElsewhere Not at all/to a small extent (1) %1.3% To some extent (2) %16.3% To a large extent (3) %36.7% To a great extent (4) %45.7% Total % Mean How Much Illinois Research Impacts the World χ 2 (3, n = 1,307) = , p =
Alumni Results 16 How Much the Educational Experience Provided by the University Helps to Develop Students’ Critical Thinking and Analytic Skills χ 2 (3, n = 1,309) = , p = ChicagolandElsewhere Does not help at all/helps a little (1) %5.8% Helps a moderate amount (2) %17.8% Helps a lot (3) %40.1% Helps a great deal (4) %36.4% Total % Mean2.93.1
Alumni Results 17 How Much the Education Provided by the University Improves Students’ Future Earning Potential χ 2 (3, n = 1,335) = 9.237, p = ChicagolandElsewhere Not at all/a little (1) %4.1% A moderate amount (2) %21.1% A lot (3) %38.8% A great deal (4) %36.0% Total % Mean2.93.1
Parent Results 18 Very similar results for parents stratum Strength of connection lower among non-alumni parents, Yet group expresses a slightly greater preference for increasing their connection.
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