Sussex The WIMP of a minimal walking Technicolor Theory J. Virkajärvi Jyväskylä University, Finland with K.Kainulainen and K.Tuominen
Outline Technicolor and the WIMP Dynamical Dark Energy and the WIMP density Model results Conclusion & outlook
Basic idea of Technicolor (TC) Technifermion condensate = a composite Higgs (+ (pseudo) Goldstone bosons) New gauge interaction TC which only technifermions feel Left and right handed fermions (massless) have SU(2) chiral symmetry Spontaneus symmetry breaking dynamically Electroweak symmetry breaking Right mass ratio for EW gauge bosons Early Universe High Temperature T > TeV Universe expands, T drops
Model: Two techniquarks(flavors) in two index symmetric (= adjoint) presentation of an SU(2) TC gauge group. Witten anomaly cured by introducing a new Heavy lepton family Minimal Walking TC (WTC) Heavy Neutrino = the WIMP Near conformal (=walking) FCNC’s suppressed. Compatible with EW precision measurements (Sannino & Tuominen, hep-ph/ ) (Pure Majorana case)
Heavy neutrino mass term Dirac mass term for charged lepton For neutrino three cases: 1. Pure Dirac mass term ( ) 2. Pure Majorana mass term (M) 3. Mixed Dirac-Majorana mass term: Thermally averaged annihilation cross section : decays to = the WIMP Diagonalize two Majorana particles: and (mass eigenstates) for which and
EW precision measurements Neutrino Charged lepton Model consistent with data (hep-ex/ ). Oblique parameters S and T ( Peskin & Takeuchi, PRD 46 (1992)). Pure Majorana Similar results in Pure Dirac and mixed cases
Quintessence: Dark energy dominates the energy density at early times Dynamical Dark Energy Dark Energy Dark Matter Baryonic Matter SM only radiation
”0” means T = 1MeV Relic density from Lee Weinberg equation Biggest effects to final abundance of the heavy neutrinos comes from the cross section and Hubble parameter Exponential drop Freeze out Relic density and dynamical dark energy Number density SUSY and Our mixed D-M mass case Our Model ”0” means T = 1 MeV SM
Model results Both cases compatible with nucleosynthesis since r small (for masses shown). Pure DiracPure Majorana
Model results Mixed Dirac-majorana case: Dotted: Dashed: Solid: Standard expansion Yellow area Excluded by LEP: Similar results by Kouvaris: (hep-ph/ ) for neutral bound state between techniquark and technigluon
Constraints to results Direct search limits Bound depends on the ratio between local and cosmic WIMP densities Limit from rotation curves + halo models: lower bound for local density (Jungman, Kamionkowski, Griest, Phys. Rept. 267) Pure Dirac Pure Majorana, (mixed D-M) Upper limits for
Conclusion and outlook If a Quintessence-like Dark Energy dominates the early universe evolution –4th generation dirac neutrino (from MWTC) with m < 800 GeV is excluded –Majorana neutrino with m > 100 GeV candidate for dark matter: not excluded by direct searches In standard expansion case from mixed Majorana-Dirac mass term –Mainly right handed Majorana neutrino with m > 23 GeV candidate for dark matter: not excluded by LEP or direct searches. Further studies: –Other CDM in extensions of MWTC –Replacing Quintessence with more advanced DE models